10th Anniversary of the Doris Gooderson Short Story CompetitionIncreased Prize Money - Same Entry Fees 1. Entries must not exceed 1200 words, must be in the form of a Short Story and written in English. Prizes: 1st = £150, 2nd = £70 and 3rd = £40. Further prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the judge. 2. An entry fee of £3 is required for each entry or £5 for 2 entries. Entries from overseas can only be accepted with an entry fee in sterling. 3. The attached entry form (at the bottom of this page) can be photocopied if required. 4. The Closing Date is 12th July 2010. 5. Each story must have a title page containing title, word count and author’s name and address. 6. Subsequent pages should not have the author’s name or identifying marks but may have the story title. 7. All entries must be on A4 paper (or foreign equivalent), and be double-spaced, typed, and on one side of paper only. 8. No entries should be submitted into any other competition, whilst this competition is running, but may be entered elsewhere after 30th September 2010. No entries should be published elsewhere (including on the internet) where it has been involved in an editorial process. 9. Entries failing to meet all of these rules will be disqualified. Fees from disqualified entries will not be returned. 10. Copyright remains with the author, although winning entries will be published in the Wrekin Writers 2010 Anthology and may also be published on the Wrekin Writer website. 11. The judge’s decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. 12. Winners will be notified by 30th September 2010. 13. This competition is open to any one, of any age, from anywhere in the world. 14. No entries will be returned unless a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed. 15. No entries will be acknowledged unless a stamped addressed post card is enclosed. 16. Entries with insufficient postage will NOT be collected from the Post Office, but returned to sender. 17. Entry indicates an acceptance of these rules. Send entries to arrive by 12th July 2010 to: The Competition Secretary, 29 Christine Avenue, Wellington, Telford, TF1 2DX.
First Prize = £150, Second Prize = £70, Third Prize = £40
Entry Fee = £3 per story or 2 for £5
Closing Date = 12th July 2010
The rules are quite straightforward, but if you have any queries contact wrekinwriters@googlemail.com
Please Note: We can only accept entry fees in Sterling. As rule 7 states that all entries must be on A4 paper (or foreign equivalent), we cannot accept emailed submissions. (We are currently establishing systems to be able to accept Paypal payments, which we hope to be able to offer in 2011.)
Entry forms (in Microsoft Word format and PDF format) can be downloaded from the 'Attachment' section at the foot of this page. Good luck!
Rules of the Competition
Royal Mail Price Rises - postal prices increase on 6th April 2010 - check your entry is correctly priced. We don't collect entries from the post office with insufficent postage on them. (So your entry fee cheque will not be cashed.)