Dream Quest One
Poetry and Writing Contest
Postmark Deadline: December 31, 2011
Attention! Yes, there is still time to submit poems and/or short stories to be entered in the contest.Hello and Welcome to Dream Quest One Poetry and Writing Contest! This poetry contest and writing contest is open to everyone and international. We are excited about showcasing the creative writing and poetic talent, skill and ability of all poets and writers. We hope that you have the inspiration to display the beauty and art of writing short stories and poems for the entire world to see your "gift of a dream."
Writing Contest entries may be written on a maximum of (5) pages, either neatly handwritten or typed, single or double line spacing, on any subject or theme.
- Poetry Contest entries may be written on any subject or theme. All poems must be 30 lines or fewer and either neatly handwritten or typed, single or double line spacing.
Please read the "Official Rules" for more in-depth information.
*Postmark Deadline is December 31, 2011
The Mission of Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is to inspire, motivate and encourage anyone who has the desire or love of poetry and writing, to continue doing so without the fear of failure or success! And remember, in whatever you do, "it's okay to dream," for dreams do come true.
Win Prizes!
First Place... $250.00 Second Place... $125.00 Third Place... $50.00 dreamquestone.com
First Place... $500.00 Second Place... $250.00 Third Place... $100.00 dreamquestone.com
There is a $10.00 (US dollars) entry fee per short story submitted and a $5.00 (US dollars) entry fee per poem submitted.
Contestants may enter via PayPal or through the mail. An entry form is also available in the "Enter Now" section.