CONTEST DESCRIPTION2010: it’s a new decade and a time of change for many. is getting in the swing with a multi-genre writing contest! Below are the 4 categories for which will be accepting entries. You may enter pieces in as many categories as you wish, though each entry will be subject to a separate reading fee. Manuscripts will be judged by members of the Ducts staff purely on the basis of skill, and will be scored by: quality of writing (33.3%), originality (33.3%), and how clearly the writer articulates the chosen contest theme (33.3%).
Each entry, with the exception of Flash Fiction, must be 2000 words or less, including title page.
Grand Prize of $400 for the winning entry, which may be selected from any category. Top Prizes of $50/each awarded to the most successful entries in each of the 3 remaining categories. The Grand Prize and Top Prize winners will also have their winning entries published in the Winter 2011 issue of
1) PERSONAL NARRATIVE: “I found it at home”
Write a personal narrative on what home—a personal space—means to you.
2) FICTION: “Where do we go from here?”
Write a work of fiction that focuses on a major turning point in the lives of its character(s).
Write a short work of fiction on any theme you wish, as long as it is 500 words or less.
Note: Poetry entries will not be considered.
Write a piece using any genre you wish—personal narrative, essay, fiction, flash fiction, etc. The only requirement is that the last sentence of your piece must read: “I knew there was no turning back.”
Note: Poetry entries will not be considered.
Please note the following rules for entry:
*Reading Fee: $15. Payments are made through PayPal, using either an electronic check or credit card. Payment via PayPal must be received before an entry will be read. However, if you choose to submit your entry by mail, please enclose a check with your essay.
* Postmark/Email Deadline: September 1, 2010. Submissions with a later postmark date or received via email later than this date will be discarded.
*All entries are non-returnable.
*We accept submission three ways. You can submit (1) using our online form (2) by emailing your manuscript as a Word.doc or Text file to, or (3) you can send manuscripts via regular mail to Ducts Contest, P.O. Box 3203, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163.
*Manuscript Requirements: Send no more than 2000 words (500 words for the flash fiction category), plus title page. Good photocopies acceptable. Mailed manuscripts must be paginated and secured with a staple.
*More than one manuscript may be submitted but each requires a reading fee. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable but must be notified if the manuscript is published elsewhere.
*Notification Dates: Results will be announced in our Winter 2010 Issue on December 1st, 2010. .
*The Winning Entries: Grand Prize winner receives publication, $400. Top Prize winners receive publication, $50.
*The odds of winning this contest will depend upon the number of entries.
*All Ducts staff are disqualified from this contest.
This issue of Ducts is made possible with a regrant from the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses, supported by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.