PUB: Eco Arts Awards

Eco Arts Awards

E-col-o-gy – the totality or pattern of relations between organisms and their environment

It has been said that art is an expression of what we aspire to be…

It is also true that art is a powerful catalyst for new thinking and cultural values!

In our present world, ecology and the balance of humanity with nature is the most important challenge we face. Being ‘green’ is becoming mainstream and top of mind. We want to collaborate with you, to make it more top of focus in the creative industries. Eco Arts Awards has created a platform of self-expression that reflects our passions for deep ecological balance in the world, together with the joy and happiness that art brings us in our daily lives.

In six creative categories, we invite artist to submit their ecologically inspired creative works for entry into the first of its kind annual awards program. Together we can bring about a greater awareness with more inspiration for living our lives in balance and harmony with our natural environment. $6,000 in cash awards will be provided, $1,000 each for first prize awards in the categories of songwriting, literature, photography, fine art, functional art and short videos. Deadline for submission is November 30, and winners will be announced no later than April 20th 2012. Our professional panel of jurors will select the winners for each category from approximately ten finalists. There will also be a “Peoples Choice” award, so bookmark this site and return in the new year to vote for Peoples Choice, or better yet, sign up for our e-newsletter to stay up to date on the contest.

We look forward to viewing/hearing/experiencing your ecologically inspired creations!

Urging Artists to Create a World of Difference