PUB: Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence

Ernest J. Gaines Award For Literary Excellence


Submissions to the Gaines Award will be accepted February 1, 2011 through April 29, 2011 for books published in 2010.

Criteria for submission (2011 Award):

- Any work of fiction published in the U.S. during 2010.
- The writer must be African-American.
- The writer must be a U.S. citizen.
- The Gaines award accepts self-published books for judging under some circumstances. Self-published books must have substantial sales, be reviewed in well-known journals, or must be the choice of a major book club. Proof of sales, inclusion in book clubs, or published reviews must be submitted along with copies of the book. Without such documentation, self-published books will not be reviewed.

The award, initiated by donors of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation to honor Mr. Gaines, is designed to inspire and recognize African-American writers of excellence as they work to achieve the literary heights for which Ernest J. Gaines is known. 


Please click here to download the submission form.

To enter a book for review, send the completed registration form and 10 copies of the book to:
The Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence
c/o The Baton Rouge Area Foundation
402 N. Fourth Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

For additional information, please email

*The Judges reserve the right not to issue an award if they feel the selection pool lacks an acceptable candidate.