Theme: Natural Disaster
Everyone is affected by natural disasters. Preparing for, surviving or witnessing such phenomena can cause a fundamental shift that changes, inspires or defies us. And it’s not just weather-related catastrophe we’re thinking of—people can be natural disasters too, with mental or physical illnesses wreaking havoc on themselves and others as they lose control.
We seek short stories about characters affected by a natural disaster or its aftermath, whether it’s a twister in the air or a whirlwind within their minds. Give us a unique insight into a phenomenon and how it changes us.
**In light of Hurricane Sandy and other natural disasters that affect us and our loved ones, we will be donating $1 of every entry to the American Red Cross.
Dates, Fees, and Prizes
Submission Dates: March 15-December 31, 2012.
Winners announced March 1, 2013.
Entry Fees: $23 online / $20 mailed, per entry.
Prizes: Four prizes of $1000 each for fiction and publication in the Spring 2013 issue on March 15, 2013.
Open to U.S. and international, but stories must be in English.
No genre fiction; literary fiction only.
There is no limit to the number of entries one may submit.
Stories must be previously unpublished. Simultaneous submissions accepted if notified promptly that story is accepted elsewhere.
We ask that winners of the previous year’s Esoteric Awards do not enter.
Word count limit: no minimum, max 8000.
Please do your best to format submissions as follows:
-double spaced
-at least 1” margins
-ONLY story title and page numbers (no author info) in headerCover Letter/Page
If submitting online: no cover page in the uploaded document; Submittable provides a place for cover letters/bios in a form that is blind to readers and editors until the completion of readings.
If submitting by mail: cover page with ONLY story title, name, address, phone number, email, and word count. This will be removed and catalogued before stories are given to readers and editors.
For additional questions about the contest, please email the editor at
Submit online now with Submittable (formerly Submishmash) or mail with check or money order (payable to Carve Magazine) to:
Carve Magazine
Esoteric Awards
PO Box 701510
Dallas, TX 75370