PUB: Essay Contest

Essay Contest Deadline Extended!

by Josalyn Knapic


Why hello there! South Loop Review: Creative Nonfiction + Art would like to inform you nonfiction writers out there (and our readers!) that our Essay Contest deadline has been extended to May 1st. Great news for constant revisers (I'm guilty too). The prize is still $1,000 and publication in Volume 14. The Essay Contest is judged by the one and only Ander Monson. SLR is looking for submissions in memoir, essay, non-linear narratives, and blended genre. Please see details here on how to submit!

"William Faulkner works on a screenplay on a balcony, Hollywood in the early 1940s." Source: theguardian Photograph: Alfred Eriss/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Image (Don't worry, we won't judge you based on clothing attire, or non-clothing attire. Just a little bit of summer and Faulkner to cheer up those Chicago winter blues.)