PUB: EVENT 2012 Non-fiction Contest

Check out the details on our 2012 Contest! We are now accepting entries.

EVENT 2012 Non-Fiction Contest

$1500 in prizes available, plus publication!
$34.95 entry fee includes 1 year of EVENT
5,000 word limit
Contest Judge Zsuzsi Gartner
Deadline April 15, 2012

Judges reserve the right to award two or three prizes: three at $500 or two at $750, plus payment for publication in EVENT 41/3. Other manuscripts may be published. Preliminary judging by the editors of EVENT.

Final Judge: Zsuzsi Gartner Zsuzsi Gartner

Zsuzsi Gartner is the author of the critically acclaimed short fiction collections, Better Living Through Plastic Explosives (Hamish Hamilton/Penguin Canada) and All the Anxious Girls on Earth (Key Porter), the editor of Darwin’s Bastards: Astounding Tales From Tomorrow (D&M) and creative director of Vancouver Review’s “Blueprint BC Fiction Series.” She is an adjunct professor for UBC’s Optional Residency MFA in Creative Writing. Her stories have been widely published and anthologized, most recently in The Walrus, and Best Canadian Stories 2010 and 2011, and broadcast on CBC and NPR. Zsuzsi has won numerous national and regional awards for magazine journalism and a National Magazine Award for Fiction. She lives in Vancouver.

Past judges include: Myrna Kostash, Andreas Schroeder, Sharon Butala, Tom Wayman, Di Brandt, Terry Glavin, Karen Connelly, Charles Montgomery, Lynn Coady and Timothy Taylor.

Contest Details 

Writers are invited to submit manuscripts exploring the creative non-fiction form. Check your library for back issues of EVENT with previous winning entries and judges' comments. Contest back issues are available for $9 (CAN$13 for overseas residents). Postage and GST/HST included. To purchase a print copy now, visit our Online Sales.


  • Previously published material, including that which has appeared online or has been accepted for publication elsewhere, cannot be considered. No simultaneous submissions.

  • Judges reserve the right to award two or three prizes: three at $500 or two at $750.

  • Maximum entry length is 5000 words, typed, double-spaced.

  • The writer should not be identified on the entry. Include separate cover sheet with name, address, phone number / email, and title(s). Send to EVENT, PO Box 2503, New Westminster, BC, V3L 5B2, Canada.

  • Include a SASE (Canadian postage / IRCs / US $1).

  • Multiple entries are allowed; however, each entry must be accompanied by its own $34.95 entry fee (includes GST/HST and a one-year subscription; make cheque or international money order payable to EVENT). Those already subscribing will receive a one-year extension. American and overseas entrants please pay in US dollars.

  • Douglas College students, employees and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter.
  • Entries must be postmarked by April 15.

Entry fee: $34.95 per entry.

Deadline for entries: Postmarked by April 15, 2012.

Send entries to:

Non-Fiction Contest
PO Box 2503, New Westminster, BC
V3L 5B2   Canada 
Phone: 604-527-5293 Fax: 604-527-5095