PUB: Every Woman Every Child Essay and Photography Contest (organized by Stomping Out Malaria | Africa-wide) > Writers Afrika


Every Woman Every Child

Essay and Photography Contest

(organized by Stomping Out Malaria

| Africa-wide)

Deadline: 31 August 2012

Stomping Out Malaria in Africa would like to join with their friends at the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Malaria by sponsoring an essay contest in support of the Every Woman Every Child campaign. Applicants are asked to submit an essay and or photo – tell us about about that child with big dreams, the local malaria hero or the life-changing work that you’re doing as a volunteer. Make it personal. Make it moving. Make your readers really understand why malaria prevention is one of the most important things they can do to save the lives of women and children in Africa.


  • Dreaming Big: share the story of how malaria effects children’s ability to achieve their dreams and what children and mothers in your communities are doing to protect those dreams of an African future

  • Malaria Heros in the Community: share the story of community members stepping up to protect the women and children in their communities by fighting malaria

  • Volunteers in Action: share the extraordinary work of a volunteer in the field – what does malaria mean to you and what makes you passionate about fighting this disease
Length restrictions are between 350 – 1000 words.

To learn more about the “Every Woman Every Child” campaign, click here.

Are you a fabulous photographer but words aren’t your thing? Never fear. Contestants may enter the photo contest without entering the essay contest, although all applicants of the essay contest must also have a photo. Please help us share the story of the of malaria in Africa and our passion to the eradication malaria in our lifetime through your amazing images.


  • Submit photos (in an attachment) and essays with the appropriate information by August 31.

  • Fill out and send in a Release Form with your submission

  • You must be a Peace Corps Volunteer, Peace Corps Volunteer Leader, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, Peace Corps Response Volunteer, or a Peace Corps Staff Member to enter

  • High-resolution photos that are at least 1060 pixels or larger (tall or wide) or around 300 pixels per inch. Please send us the highest resolution version of the photo you have (at least 1 MB) (or just send us your originals).

  • If you are using Photoshop, please send only level 7 or higher compressed photos.

  • Accepted formats: high quality JPG and JPEG

  • Photo must be original submission (submitted by photographer or with permission)

  • Include name of photographer, organizational affiliation (Peace Corps/Ghana), approximate date and location, the category, and a short description of what is going on in the photo (a caption including credit to everyone in the photo).

  • Photos should “tell the story” of Stomping Out Malaria and its accomplishments

  • Individuals may submit multiple photos. Questions regarding submissions should be sent to
By submitting a photo, you are verifying that you have permission to submit the photo and that Stomp Out Malaria, has the right to reproduce your photo in any format, including marketing materials and on the web.

The photos will be judged by you, your peers, and the public. Submissions will go up on the Facebook Stomp Page. The photo with the most “likes” will be the winner.

We will announce winners, runners up and honorable mentions through and social media.


By submitting a photograph (and essay) to this competition you:

  • Declare that you own the copyright of the photograph (and essay) and it is your original work.

  • Declare that you have permission to use the visual image of any identifiable individual or building in the photograph for entry into the competition and that the image may be published as stipulated in the photo contest rules.

  • Agree that Stomp Out Malaria will not be responsible for the infringement of any third party rights in the photograph or essay, moral or otherwise, that may arise as a result of your actions or omissions and that you indemnify Stomp against all legal fees, claims, damages and other expenses that may be incurred as a result of your breach of the contest rules.

  • Grant reproduction rights for Stomp Out Malaria use and in doing so agree that Stomp Out Malaria can use your photograph and essay for the purposes of the competition and also for future reproduction on websites and literature at Stomp’s discretion (photographs and essays will be credited where appropriate).

Download: release form


For queries/ submissions:
