Call for Submissions
from the multiple award-winningFearless Poetry Series
The Fearless Poetry Series is currently accepting submissions of poems and prose-poems for its next anthology, TURNING THE PAGE: Poems of Trauma, Healing, and Transcendence. Our previous anthology, TOUCHING: Poems of Love, Longing, and Desire was named the Winner in the Anthology category AND Second Place Grand Prize Winner in the Nonfiction category in the 2011 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. It has also been named Winner of the Poetry Category in Dan Poynter’s inaugural Global e-Book Awards.
We invite your participation in our next volume. Poets whose work is chosen will receive two copies of TURNING THE PAGE and a 30% discount on ordering additional copies for a limited time.
Previously published work is okay so long as the rights are free and available. Online submissions are preferred. Follow these two simple steps:
1. Remit reading fee now, choosing one of the three fee options shown below.
2. Now or anytime before midnight Dec. 15, 2011 send 1-3 poems per reading fee as Word file attachments to poetry (at) fearlessbooks.com.* Include your name and biographical information in your cover e-mail only. You may pay the fee now and send submissions anytime before midnight on November 11. Be sure to send your poems from the same email address entered in the shopping cart so that we can connect your submission to your entry fee.
Or you can send a check and submissions, with no personal info on manuscript pages, to Fearless Books, PO Box 1292, Berkeley CA 94701. Hard-copy submissions must still provide an e-mail address for correspondence. We cannot keep you up-to-date on news of the Series without an e-mail address. Again, you may pay the fee now and send submissions anytime before midnight, November 11.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Poetry Series style before submitting. For that reason we are offering two additional fee options that include previous volumes of the Series at steep discounts.
*You may submit multiple manuscripts (1-3 poems each) as long as you pay $10 per manuscript.
Basic Submission Fee
(without Vol. 1 or 2):