PUB: Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Non-Fiction Contest > Room Magazine

Fiction, Poetry, and

Creative Non-Fiction Contest

Our annual writing contest is back—with $2250 in prizes! Send us your best fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction entries by June July 15, 2012 (we've extended the deadline!)  for your chance to win!

Calling all women writers: sharpen your pencils or fire up your laptop and send us your fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction contest entries.

Deadline: Entries must be postmarked or e-mailed no later than June July 15, 2012.
Entry Fee: $30 per entry (includes a complimentary one-year subscription to Room). Non-Canadian entries: $42 Canadian dollars.
Prizes: 1st prize in each category – $500, 2nd prize – $250. Winners will be published in a 2013 issue of Room. Other manuscripts may be published.

Fiction: Cathleen With
Poetry: Miranda Pearson
Creative Non-Fiction: Kathy Page

Rules & Details:
Poetry: max. 3 poems or 150 lines | Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction: max. 3,500 words

More than one entry will be accepted as long as fee is paid for each entry. No manuscripts will be returned. Only winners will be notified.

There will be blind judging, so please don't put your name or address on your entry submission. On a cover sheet (for mail entries) or in the body of your e-mail (for electronic entries), include your name, address and phone number, as well as the title(s), category and word count of your submission. Entries must be typed on 8.5 x 11 white paper, and prose must be double-spaced. Each entry must be original, unpublished, not submitted or accepted elsewhere for publication and not entered simultaneously in any other contest or competition.

Electronic Entries:
Simply e-mail your submission as an attachment to, pay online using the button below, and we'll take care of the rest. Remember to include your complete contact information in the body of your e-mail. And please make sure that the contact information you give through PayPal is the same as in your entry; use the "note to merchant" field, if necessary.

Please select the applicable entry fee.
I'm submitting from within Canada $30.00 CAD I'm submitting from outside Canada $42.00 CAD

Mail Entries:
Send your entry, cover sheet and payment by cheque or money order made out to Room to:
Room Contest 2011
P.O. Box 46160, Station D
Vancouver, BC  V6J 5G5

Find out about our 2011 contest winners here.