PUB: Finishing Line Press Poetry Chapbook Contest


A prize of $1,000 and publication will be awarded by Finishing Line Press for a chapbook-length poetry collection. 

Open to all.

All entries will be considered for publication. 

The top-ten finalists will be offered publication. 

Submit up to 26 pages of poetry (one poem per page) , PLUS bio, acknowledgments, SASE and cover letter with a $15 entry fee by

Deadline: June 30, 2010 (POSTMARK). 

Ned Balbo will final judge.

Send to:

Open Chapbook Competition

Finishing Line Press
P.O. Box 1626
Georgetown, KY 40324



Send check or money order to above address in US funds only OR

to pay with your credit card via paypal use the button below (please print out confirmation and mail with submission) :


International entries are welcome.

Ned Balbo's latest collection is the Finishing Line chapbook Something Must Happen. His second of two full-length collections,  Lives of the Sleepers (University of Notre Dame Press), received the Ernest Sandeen Prize and was a ForeWord Book of the Year in poetry. His third full-length book, The Trials of Edgar Poe and Other Poems, received the 2010 Donald Justice Prize and is forthcoming from Story Line Press/WCU Poetry Center.