PUB: First Book Contest

First Book Contest

Sponsored by the MFA in Creative Writing Program at Fairleigh Dickinson University and Serving House Books

We’re looking for exceptional prose and poetry from writers who have not yet published full length books. There’s NO ENTRY FEE, but there are some rules and regs.   Please read carefully.

first semester students at Wroxton


* Prose entries may be novels, story collections, or works of creative nonfiction.  They should be between 40,000 and 75,000 words.

* Poetry entries may be a collection of poems or a single long poem.  They should be between 50 and 100 pages.

* There is no entry fee.

* Winners in each category will be invited to the FDU Madison campus for one week as a visiting writer to participate in the BA in Creative Writing program.  They also will give a public reading in New York City and receive 20 copies of the published book of their work.

  1. * All entries must be submitted in digital format as a Microsoft Word doc or docx or as an rtf file at: 


* Entries must be received by midnight April 1, 2011 and winners will be announced on June 1, 2011.

* The winning entries will be selected by faculty members of the MFA in Creative Writing Program.

And here are the caveats and disclaimers in the usual small print.

* Current and former students, graduates, employees and faculty of Fairleigh Dickinson University may not participate.  

* If a winner is not a resident of the United States or Canada, an alternative to the campus visit and New York reading will be determined.

* Work previously published in magazines, journals, or similar print or web outlets may be part of the entry manuscript with an indication of the publication source.

* Authors of the winning entries are responsible for obtaining all appropriate permissions and releases.

* The books selected will be copyrighted in the name of the authors.

* The sponsors reserve the right not to select a winner in either category if a suitable entry cannot be found.

* Serving House Books is a publication-on-demand publisher with all of its books available through and through major distributors.  Certain works are also available on Kindle, iBooks, and Barnes & Noble in consultation with the author.
