Earlyworks PressFlash Fiction Competition
Closing 30th June 2010
£75 1st prize
+ 5 x £5 runner up prizes
Rules and Conditions
- The competition is open to anyone over 16.
- The winners and runners up will be published on the website and, if the standard permits, the authors offered publication in our next anthology.
- Closing date June 30th 2010 Winners will be notified by June.
- Entry fee £3 per entry, £12 for up to 6 Payment in pounds sterling. POs or cheques payable to Kay Green.
- Entries must be the work of the entrant, previously unpublished, and not simultaneously entered for other competitions.
- Maximum length, 100 words including title. Hyphenated words will be taken as single words. Numbers ( ie 25, 100 etc) will be taken as single words.
- Entries must be titled and typed/clearly written on one side of A4 paper.
- Each entry must have a cover-sheet attached, giving title(s), author’s name, address, and/or telephone number/email address. Please say where you heard about this competition.
- The competitions are judged anonymously and the judges’ decision is final. No discussion will be entered into.
- Entries are not returnable and cannot be acknowledged without SAE marked for that purpose.
- Copyright remains with the author although Earlyworks Press reserves the right to publish winning entries in a competition anthology in 2010.
- Postal entries are not returnable and cannot be acknowledged without an SAE marked for that purpose. Send paper copy to Earlyworks Press, Creative Media Centre, 45 Robertson Street, Hastings Sussex TN34 1HL.
Email entries here please include a Paypal transaction number or, if you are paying by cheque, please say so in the entry email.
Open Short Story Competition
Closing 31st August 2010
£100 1st prize. Publication for best entries.
Rules and Conditions
- The competition is open to anyone over 16.
- The first prize is £100 and first place in the anthology. The best entries will be published, and their authors will receive one complimentary copy. 10-20 will be included, depending on length and quality. All winners will be offered further copies at a reduced price.
- Closing date August 31st2010 Winners will be notified in October.
- Entry fee £5 up to 4000 words, £10 for 4 – 8000 words. Max 8000. Payment in pounds sterling. POs or cheques payable to Kay Green.
- Stories must be the work of the entrant, previously unpublished, and not simultaneously entered for other competitions.
- Stories must be titled and typed/clearly written on one side of A4 paper.
- Names must not appear on the stories. Each entry must have a cover-sheet attached, marked ES5, giving title(s) of stories(s), word count, author’s name, address, and/or telephone number/email address. Please say where you heard about this competition.
- The competitions are judged anonymously and the judges’ decision is final. No discussion will be entered into.
- Entries are not returnable and cannot be acknowledged without SAE marked for that purpose.
- Copyright remains with the author although Earlyworks Press reserves the right to publish winning entries in a competition anthology in 2010/11.
- email entries accepted where access to UK post/currency is denied. (Email us for assistance if this is the case)
- Send paper copy to Earlyworks Press, Creative Media Centre, 45 Robertson Street, Hastings Sussex TN34 1HL.
- Submission of work will be taken as acceptance of rules and conditions.