Second Flash Fiction Contest
The Dublin Review of Books is pleased to present it's Second Flash Fiction Contest. The prize will bring recognition to distinguished flash fiction writing from within Ireland and around the world. The winning entry will receive 1,000 Euros in addition to publication in The Dublin Review of Books. Second and third place winners will also see their work appear in The Dublin Review of Books.
Final judging will be made by authors James Ryan, Eilis Ni Dhuibhne and an editor from the Dublin Review of Books. GUIDELINES:
- Submit up to 3 flash fiction stories of no more than 500 words apiece. Work must be previously unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are not accepted. Copyright will remain with winning authors. The drb reserves the rights to use winning entries up to one year after publication.
- Manuscripts must include a cover letter containing name, address, e-mail address and/or telephone number, and the title of each work.
- Entry fee is 10 Euro per story. Payment can be made through our PayPal account when submitting an entry.
- Deadline for submissions is June 5, 2011 at 5 pm Dublin time. Entries received after this date will not be read. Only winning authors will be contacted.
- Winning stories will be announced September 30, 2011.
- Writers may submit through our online form (see details at .
- Submissions may also be made via email. Please include surname and first name in the subject line. If submitting via email, please paste stories in the body of the email AND send as an attachment in one of the following formats:
.DOC (Microsoft Word)
.RTF (Rich Text Format)EMAIL ADDRESS