PUB: Flash fiction contest. Fish Publishing One Page Story Competition

Fish Flash Fiction Prize 2012


Summary - Prizes - Judge - The Rules - Entry Fees - How to Enter

The 2012 Prize is open. This is an opportunity to attempt what is one of the most difficult and rewarding tasks - to create, in a tiny fragment, a completely resolved and compelling story in 300 words or less. The Flash Fiction Stories are wonderfully entertaining to read and challenging to write, but we love it and so do the readers of our Anthology. This is another chance to get a story, however small, into this year's Fish Anthology.

The Fish Flash Fiction Prize has been an annual event since 2004. To view our catalogue of anthologies containing the winning stories from previous one-page story competitions click Fish Books.

 Micheal Collins - author and judge of the 2012 Fish Flash Fiction Prize

 Micheal Collins is the judge of the 2012 Prize. He is the acclaimed author of eight books, including novels and short stories which have been translated into seventeen languages. His work has garnered numerous awards, including Irish Novel of the Year along with being shortlisted for both The Man Booker Prize and Impac Prize.

His novel, The Secret Life of E. Robert Pendleton won Breakout Novel of the Year in France 2008.

Adapations include The Resurrectionists to be directed by John Madden, Lost Souls is currently being adapted by A Film Monkey Production.

He is a member of The Irish National 100K Team, which finished 8th at The World 100k Championships in Holland.

Collins holds an MA in Creative Writing from The University of Notre Dame and a doctorate in Creative Writing from The University of Illinois. He has taught at The Art Institute of Chicago and The Sorbonne.

He currently teaches at Southwestern Michigan College.



Summary - Prizes - Judge - The Rules - Entry Fees - Enter Online/Post



Flash Fiction Contest Summary

OPENS: 1 Aug 2011
Closing date: 20 March 2012
Results: 30 April 2012
Judge: Micheal Collins




Flash Fiction Contest Prizes

The winner and nine runners up will be published in the 2012 Fish Anthology.

First Prize - €1,000 plus publication in the 2012 Fish Anthology.

Nine runners-up will be published in the Anthology and will each receive plus five complementary copies of the Anthology.

All winning authors will be invited to the launch of the 2012 Fish Anthology. This will take place during the West Cork Literary Festival in July.

Flash Fiction Contest Judge

Micheal Collins will be selecting 10 Flash Fiction Stories to be published in the next Fish Anthology.



Flash Fiction Contest Rules

  • No entry form is needed. This is mostly an on-line competition, but entries will be accepted by post for a slightly higher fee.

  • You can enter as many times as you wish. One story per entry fee.

  • The flash fiction contest is open to writers of any nationality writing in English.

  • There is no restriction on theme or style.

  • Word limit 300.

  • The winning stories must be available for the Fish Anthology, and therefore must not have been published previously.

  • Fish holds publishing rights for one year after publication. Copyright remains with the author.

  • Notification of receipt of entry will be by email.

  • Stories cannot be altered after they have been entered. Judging is done anonymously. Names and addresses must not appear on the stories, but on a separate sheet if entering by post, or in the place provided online.

  • The judges' verdict is final.

  • Entry will be taken as acceptance of these conditions.

  • Overall winners of the Fish One-Page Prize may enter again, but will not be eligible for the first prize.

  • A writer who has had two stories in Fish Anthologies from the One-Page Prize, may not enter for three years. They may enter other Fish Prizes in that time. (This is designed to give opportunities to a wider circle of emerging writers).

  • Entry is taken to be acceptance of these rules.



Flash Fiction Contest Entry Fees

The cost of an On-line entry is fixed in Euro and the conversion into your local currency will be done automatically by your credit card company according to the current exchange rate.

Online Entry

Postal Entry

Per Entry



Critique (Optional)




2011 Fish Anthology
(Buy Online)


12.00 (Inc. p. & p.)



How to Enter

You can enter online or by post. The cheaper option is to enter online.

Flash Fiction Contest Online Entries

To Enter online, simply submit your story(ies) through our online entry system on our website. Please do not send stories as email attachments. 


If you have any difficulty submitting your story(ies), post your problem at Feedback and Support.





Flash Fiction Contest Postal Entries

To enter by post, please include story and entry fee in the same envelope. Cheques payable to 'Fish Publishing'. NOTE: cheques must be made out in the currency of the country from which they are sent, to the value of the fee. Receipt of entry by e mail only. Stories will not be returned. Critiques will be returned by email unless requested by post.

Post to: Fish Publishing, Durrus, Bantry, Co Cork, Ireland