Flash Fiction Contest
Announcing Monkey Puzzle‘s
3rd Annual Flash Fiction Contest!
First Prize: $300.00
Second Prize: $150.00
Third Prize: $50.00
$5.00 entry fee!
Submit one story per entry, 1000 words or less.
Multiple submissions accepted.To submit electronically:
1. Send submission/s to monkeypuzzlepress.prose@gmail.com / Subject: Flash Fiction Contest
2. Pay entry fee/s via PayPal (below)To submit hardcopies:
Send your submission/s and entry fee/s (payable to Monkey Puzzle Press) to:
Monkey Puzzle Press
PO Box 20804
Boulder, CO 80308
Attn: Flash Fiction ContestAll submissions must include the writer’s contact information on the first page: name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. Include a SASE if you would like a reply via USPS.
We won’t be judging stories based on any particular content or context, just send your best piece of flash fiction.
For a flier, click here. For additional information, dig our website:monkeypuzzlepress.com/magazine-submissions/
All entries will be considered for publication!
Contest Judge: Nicholas B. Morris, author of Tapeworm
August 15, 2011 (postmarked)