Announcing The Florida Review 2010 Editors’
Prizes in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry
$1000 Award and publication
Submit a group of 3-5 poems, one story, or one essay with a $15 reading fee
(which includes a year’s subscription), payable to UCF/Florida Review.
For each entry, include a cover letter with your name, address, phone
number, email address, and the title(s) of submitted work. Manuscripts must
include the title of the work on each page, but no identifying information
about the writer (name, email address, etc.). This is a blind read.
Writers may enter in more than one genre, but each additional submission
requires a separate envelope and entry fee.
Simultaneous submissions to other journals are permissible, but please notify
us if the work is accepted elsewhere.
All submissions will be considered for publication. Winners will be
announced in summer 2010. For notification, include a SASE.
Postmark DEADLINE: February 26, 2010
Submit to:
The Editors’ Award (Indicate Genre)
The Florida Review
Department of English MFA Program
PO Box 161346
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida 32816-1346
Please visit our website at: