PUB: Flush Fiction > Uncle John's Bathroom Reader

Uncle John’s Flush Fiction
Author Guidelines

Uncle John’s Flush Fiction wants your short story! We’re looking for entertaining short fiction, suitable for bathroom (or anyroom) reading, maximum 1,000 words. Send us your best Western, mystery, horror, sci-fi, literary story, parody—all we ask is that it’s entertaining.

• All themes, styles, and hybrids considered.
• Humor is appreciated, but not mandatory.
• Does not have to be bathroom-related, but if you have a tasteful and imaginative take on a bathroom topic, we’d like to see that too.

Uncle John’s Flush Fiction will be a print anthology edited by the team behind the bestselling Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader series. With over 20 years of publishing experience and more than 13 million books sold, we’re now looking for the best, most entertaining short fiction to bring to our loyal readers. Flush Fiction will go on sale in major bookstores and via Amazon and other internet retailers in spring 2012.

Simultaneous submissions OK; previously published acceptable if you retain copyright (please tell us where it was published). Each accepted author will receive an honorarium of $50, paid upon publication, plus two copies of Flush Fiction. Byline given.

We purchase North American Serial Rights, and Electronic Rights for an e-book version of the anthology. Entries must be postmarked by
August 31, 2011. Entries accepted via snail mail only; no e-mail entries. If your work is accepted, you will be notified in early 2012. No phone calls or e-mails, please. Please note that the Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader series is family-friendly. Edgy’s fine; erotica, not so much.

Please send submission, a cover letter with name, address, phone number, email address, and a brief bio (50 words max), and an SASE with sufficient postage for return of manuscript to:

Amy Miller, Staff Editor
Flush Fiction
Uncle John’s Bathroom Readers
PO Box 1117
Ashland, OR 97520

These constitute the complete guidelines.