2012 Poetry Chapbook Contest Rules
- First prize $500 and publication + 5 copies
- Nonprofit mission is to publish new authors — contest only for authors without published book or chapbook
- Deadline: January 15, 2012 postmark
- Submit 20-24 pages of poetry
- Blind review: On a cover sheet submit name, address, and contact information (address, e-mail, and phone #) and the title of your chapbook. On the chapbook manuscript put only its title. Put chapbook title on every page of the manuscript. Author's name cannot appear anywhere on the chapbook manuscript.
- At least three independent readers
- Reading Fee: $16 in check or money order to Flying Trout Press
- Four finalists get a free copy
- Poems can be on any topic
- Finalists also considered for publication
- No manuscripts returned without SASE. No electronic submissions.
- Notification in April 2012
See 2011 Winner Charlotte Pence's Weaves A Clear Night
Flying Trout Press
P.O. Box 1256
Bellingham, WA 98227-1256