Free contest, Delhi London Poetry Foundation's International Poetry Competition, top prize: €1000 (worldwide)
Deadline: 21 August 2011The Delhi London Poetry Foundation and Theatre of Devas pleased to announce an international poetry competition in English on the following topics.
1. Just War?
2. Just Evangelisation?The prizes will be € 1000 for the winner and € 500 for the runner up and €100 consolation prizes in EACH category.
The rules of the competition are as follows:
• Open to all
• No more than 16 lines
• Only in English
• Poems to be sent by email only to theatreinternational2011@yahoo.com
• Winning poems will take the connotation of the above subjects including the question marks
• Winning poems will be based on sympathies of the poets to the views of the majority of the people in the non western world as expressed in the website www.siddhivinayaksavesmumbai.com with subjects of recent plays and poems.
• All winning poems and consolation prize winners will be published in an anthology of new poems on the above subjects to be released in December 2011Entry fee : FREE
Contact Information:
For inquiries: theatreinternational2011@yahoo.com
For submissions: theatreinternational2011@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.siddhivinayaksavesmumbai.com/