Free Verse Editions
Jon Thompson
Series Editor
North Carolina State University
Parlor Press and Free Verse: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry & PoeticsFree Verse Editions represents a joint venture between Free Verse: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry & Poetics and Parlor Press. The series will publish three to five books of poetry per year.
The New Measure Poetry Prize
Parlor Press's poetry series, Free Verse Editions, is pleased to announce the third annual New Measure Poetry Prize, which will carry a cash award of $1,000 and publication of an original, unpublished manuscript of poems. Submissions for the prize must be postmarked in May or June of 2010. The non-refundable entry fee is $25.00; checks and money orders should be made out to "Parlor Press." Parlor Press/Free Verse Editions will announce the winning manuscript no later than December 1, 2011. The judge for 2011 will be Susan Stewart.
The New Measure Poetry Prize Winners
2009: 13 Ways of Happily by Emily Carr [selected by Cole Swensen]
2010: Country Album by James Capozzi [selected by Jon Thompson]Other manuscripts not selected for the New Measure Poetry Prize may still be eligible for publication by Free Verse Editions. Friends and former students of the judge are not eligible for the prize, but may submit for publication to Free Verse Editions (please indicate whether the submission is for the prize or for publication only). Each manuscript should be word processed, paginated, and contain a list of acknowledgments for published or forthcoming poems. The title page should include the name of the author, a postal address, telephone number and email address. Send submissions with SASE to:
The New Measure Poetry Prize
c/o Jon Thompson
Department of English
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8105All manuscripts not selected for publication will be recycled. No feedback on submitted manuscripts can be offered.
For more information about Free Verse Editions, visit the series page.
Download a printable, PDF copy of this announcement for distribution (146 kb).
Free Verse Editions
We are especially interested in collections that use language to dramatize a singular vision of experience, a mastery of craft, a deep knowledge of poetic tradition, and a willingness to take risks. As the series title suggests, the series is oriented toward free verse, but we will happily consider poetry written in traditional forms. Collections should have individual poems published in well-known journals. We will read collections that do not have a track record of publications, but it is unlikely that they will be accepted for publication.
Given the series' commitment to publishing a diverse array of styles, Parlor Press will not make a practice of regularly publishing second books by Free Verse Editions authors.
An announcement about the manuscripts accepted for publication will be made by December 1 each year. The announcement will appear on the Free Verse website as well as here.
- Manuscripts should be between 48 and 150 pages in 12-point type. Manuscripts should be clean and professionally presented. For submission purposes, do not use email or computer disks (if the manuscript is accepted, computer disks and/or email will be necessary).
- Manuscripts should be original, unpublished works. Original translations are welcomed.
- Each manuscript submission should be accompanied by a $25.00 check for the reading fee; the check should be made out to Parlor Press. International submissions are welcome, but the reading fee will need to be made out in US dollars on a bank check, not a personal check. Please specify whether you want your submission to also be considered for the New Measure Poetry Prize (see above).
- The editor of Free Verse Editions reserves the right to accept for publication as many as five manuscripts or none if he deems the quality of the submissions insufficient. The editor also reserves the right to solicit manuscripts for the series. Needless to say, not all the manuscripts accepted in a given year will be solicited. Free Verse Editions is committed to publishing new voices, as well as being open to more established ones.
- Manuscripts may be accompanied by a very brief cover letter (no more than half a page) introducing the manuscript. Please also cite journals that have published poems in the collection. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, if noted (however the reading fee is not refundable, even if the manuscript is withdrawn). Contact information should include an address, a phone number, and an email address, if possible.
- Manuscripts not accepted for publication will be recycled, so do not send your only copy as it cannot be returned.
- Manuscripts accepted for publication can be revised before publication.
Submission period: May 1- June 30, annually.
Submit a manuscript of original poetry or translation to:
Jon Thompson, Editor
Free Verse Editions
Department of English
North Carolina State University
Raleigh NC 27695-8105Note: Please do not call, write, or email the editor, or Parlor Press, to inquire about your manuscript during the reading period.
Parlor Press is an independent publisher of scholarly and trade titles in print and multimedia formats, including Acrobat eBook, iPaper, and Night Kitchen (TK3). For submission information or to find out about Parlor Press publications visit the website. <http://www.parlorpress.com>, write to Parlor Press, 3015 Brackenberry Drive, Anderson SC 29621, or e-mail David Blakesley <editor@parlorpress.com>. 765.409.2649