Gas Up Your Computer and Fasten Your Seatbelts: New Conte$t!!!
Our Defying Moments contest comes to an end today, and while we decide the winners, we would like to get you on the road with our new contest!
A little background, first.
A few years ago, the Editor-in-Chief of A Word with You Press (that would be me) was living in an old house in Carlsbad, California, and decided to replace the cabinets in the kitchen. As he pulled them down, between the backs of the cabinets tacked up for insulation against the exterior wall were a dozen old issues of “The Literary Digest.”
It turned out to be a fascinating time capsule, which we will be sharing with you for months to come, in various forms. The final issue was August, 1929, which gives no hint of what was to follow in October of that year.
For our next contest beginning today, “Ain’t That Quaint?” we are posting a full page advertisement from the magazine in which 20 truisms of the times are listed. You may choose any two, plus everyone must have an entry for “A Square Jaw is a sign of Will Power,” for a total of three entries. You can use the truism as a line in a dialogue, or as the theme. Fiction or narrative essay–your choice.
Those are the guidelines; these are the rules:
750 strict word limit per story.
All submissions must be as separate, attached Word docs sent to with “Ain’t That Quaint?” in the subject line.
Author’s name and the title of the piece must appear on each page of each submission
Last day to enter is Bastille Day! July 14th (read our Contact page to understand the Sully family personal connection to this).
The winner will be announced July 31st.
By submitting an entry, you are granting A Word with You Press rights to post your stories on our website. Upon postin,g all rights revert back to author.
$100 cash prize to the best story. You’ve got three chances!
Click on the old text to enlarge the image. If you have trouble reading it, these are the topics:
1. Barbers are always bald
2. New Yorkers are always on the go
3. A square jaw is a sign of will power
4.Greenland is always covered with snow
5.Policemen are never around when you want them
6.Winters were longer and snow heavier twenty years ago
7.Chinese doctors are paid only for keeping you well
8.Drowning people always rise several times before sinking finally
9.Chinese coolies work for six cents a day
10.Panama hats are made in Panama
11.Red hair denotes a quick temper
12.Barking dogs don’t bite
13.Advertised commodities cost more
14. Shaving makes the hair grow faster
15.All bootleggers own high-powered cars
16.It is fatal to eat lobster and follow it with ice cream
17.One hour’s sleep before midnight is better than two afterward
18.There is little difference between any half dozen good-looking printing papers
19.Artist are poor businessmen
20.Lindberg was the first man to fly across the ocean
Good luck!
Thornton Sully