2nd PLACE: $100
3rd PLACE: $50
ENTRY FEE: $5 (up to three poems)
DEADLINE: January 2, 2013All Six Finalists Will Be Published in
The March 2013 Issue of GeminiProse poem, rhyme, free verse, sestina, haiku...doesn't
matter what it's called as long as it moves us! We
welcome work from widely published poets as well as
newcomers. Everyone gets a chance. Why wait?Someday you'll be lying
there in a nice trance
and suddenly a hot
soapy brush will be
applied to your face
--it'll be unwelcome
--someday the
undertaker'll shave you— Jack Kerouac, Orizaba 210 Blues
No restrictions on content, style or length. Simply send
your best unpublished poems by email or snail mail.TO ENTER BY EMAIL:
1. Click "Donate" and pay
the $5 entry fee.("Security code" is on back of credit card; if you didn't
receive confirmation number, transaction
was not processed)2. Paste confirmation number and unpublished poems
into body of email and send to:poetryopen@gemini-magazine.com
NO attachments. Do not include bio—just your poems
and contact info. Enter as many times as you like; $5
fee for each batch of three poems.
6 poems = $10
9 poems = $15
12 poems = $20TO ENTER BY SNAIL MAIL:
1. Mail entries with $5 check or money order, payable
to Gemini Magazine, to:POETRY OPEN, Gemini Magazine
P.O. Box 1485, Onset, MA 02558 USA(include $5 for each batch of three poems;
name/contact info on separate page; SASE for reply)postmark deadline: January 2, 2013