PUB: Guidelines - Elixir Press



The Antivenom Poetry Award Guidelines:


Submissions to the Antivenom Poetry Awards are accepted only between January 1 and March 31.

Elixir Press is sponsoring a contest for a first or second book of poetry. The winner will receive a prize of $1,000. The winning manuscript will be published by Elixir Press. All entries will be considered for publication.


  • Manuscripts should be typed on one side of the page only and on standard paper. No dot matrix unless letter quality.
  • Send a business size SASE for reply only; manuscripts cannot be returned. An SAS postcard for receipt of the manuscript is optional.
  • Please use a 12 to 14 point font.
  • Do not send the only copy of your manuscript.
  • Do not send biographical material, photographs, CDs, videos, or illustrations.
  • Enclose a cover sheet stating the name of the manuscript and the author's name, address, and telephone number and a cover sheet with the title alone.
  • Manuscripts must be paginated and include a table of contents and an acknowledgments page if appropriate.
  • Simultaneous submissions are welcome, so long as Elixir is notified immediately if a manuscript is accepted elsewhere.
  • Manuscripts must be at least 48 pages in length.
  • Please secure your manuscript with either a binder clip or file folder. Do not otherwise bind your manuscript.
  • Contest entry fee is $25.
  • The postmark deadline for the contest is March 31, 2010.


Submit entries to:


Antivenom Poetry Prize Elixir Press PO Box 27029 Denver, CO 80227


or submit online with Submission Manager.

Elixir Press is sponsoring a poetry contest open to all poets writing in English. There will be a Judge's Prize of $2,000 and an Editors' Prize of $1,000. Both winning manuscripts will be published by Elixir Press. All entries will be considered for publication. An outside judge, to be announced later, will make the final decision for the first prize. The editors will make the final decision for the second prize.

Submit by mail or submit via online submission manager.

  • Manuscripts should be typed on one side of the page and on standard paper. No dot matrix unless letter quality. No more than one poem per page.
  • Send a business size SASE for reply only; manuscripts cannot be returned. An SAS postcard for receipt of manuscript is optional. Electronic submissions are acknowledged by an automated e-mail, but some submitters find this e-mail is caught by their spam/bulk filters. You may check the status of your own submission through the online submission manager. Replies to electronic submissions will be made by e-mail.
  • Please use a 12 to 14 point font.
  • Do not send the only copy of your manuscript.
  • Do not send biographical material, photographs, CDs, videos, or illustrations.
  • Enclose a cover sheet stating the name of the manuscript and the author's name,address, and telephone number and a cover sheet with the title alone.
  • Manuscripts must be paginated and include a table of contents and and acknowledgments page if appropriate.
  • Simultaneous submissions are welcome, so long as Elixir is notified immediately if a manuscript is accepted elsewhere.
  • Manuscripts must be at least 48 pages in length.
  • Please secure your manuscript with either a binder clip or file folder. Do not otherwise bind your manuscript.


The entry fee is $25.

Manuscripts will be accepted from August 1 to November 1, 2011.

Submit to:


Elixir Press
P. O. Box 27029
Denver, CO 80227



If you have questions, please contact us at