Dear Writer/Publicist:
You are invited to enter the Great Lakes Colleges Association (GLCA) New Writers Awards (NWA) 2012 competition for poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. In each category, the submitted work must be an author's first published volume. For this year's competition GLCA will accept entries published from the spring of 2010 through the spring of 2011. GLCA will also accept galley proofs for works to be published in late spring or early summer of 2011.
For the 42nd year this group of thirteen, independent, Midwestern colleges will confer recognition on a volume of writing in each of three literary genres: poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. Publishers submit works on behalf of their authors; the key criterion for this award is that any work submitted must be an author's first published volume in the genre. All entries must be written in English and published in the United States or Canada. Judges of the New Writers Award are professors of literature and writers in residence at GLCA member colleges.
The winning authors tour several of GLCA's member colleges, giving readings, lecturing, visiting classes, conducting workshops, and publicizing their books. Each writer receives an honorarium of at least $500 from each college visited, as well as travel expenses, hotel accommodations, and hospitality. By accepting the award the winner is committed to a tour of the member colleges.
Here you will find a copy of the rules, as well as a list of previous award recipients. Note that the award is for a first published volume in its genre by the writer, that each publisher may enter only one work in each genre (no more than three total), and that four copies of each entry must be submitted. (Sorry, books cannot be returned.) Entries will be accepted beginning February 1, 2011 and must be postmarked no later than July 25, 2011.
Please include the following information with your submission:
1. Publisher information including contact person, phone number and extension, title, mailing address and email address if available
2. Letter or note from publisher nominating the work and indicating which category (poetry, fiction, or non-fiction) the work is being submitted for consideration
3. Signed author's statement agreeing to the terms of the tour
4. Author biography
5. Four copies of the book
Send this information to:
Gregory R. Wegner
Director of Program Development
New Writers Award
Great Lakes Colleges Association
535 W. William, Ste. 301
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact meThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or my GLCA colleague, Deanna ShackelfordThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , who is the New Writers Award program coordinator, at 734-661-2350; or by fax at 734-661-2349.
We look forward to your participation in the GLCA New Writers Award.
Gregory R. Wegner
Director of Program Development
Great Lakes Colleges Association's New Writers Award