Novel: Length is open but the novel must be unpublished. Publication rights revert to winner. Entry fee: $30.00 per entry (U.S.$ only). Must be postmarked by September 30.
Short Story: Length not to exceed 5,000 words per story. Entry fee is $20.00 per entry (U.S.$ only). Must be postmarked by November 30.
Poetry: Length not to exceed 50 lines per entry. More than one poem may be submitted, but all poems together must not exceed the 50-line limit per entry. Entry fee is $15.00 per entry (U.S. Funds only). Must be postmarked by November 30.
Entries must be accompanied by either check or money order. (U.S. Funds only will be accepted.) Refunds for withdrawn entries will only be given through December 31.
A $30.00 processing fee will be charged for any returned check.
Make checks payable to Hackney Literary Awards and mail to 1305 2nd Avenue North, #103, Birmingham, AL 35203.