(Gargoyles of Notre Dame by Blake Krasner)
Halloween Short Story Contest GuidelinesSponsored by Water Forest Press Books, Skyline Publications &
Night Wind Publishing
Start date: Now
End Date: August 15, 2011
Entry Fee: $10.00 per story. Please read all guidelines before youPay at the bottom of this page.
Genre: Mainstream Horror – Thriller – Occult – Supernatural – Psychological Thriller – Paranormal – Fantasy - Monsters
Place of Publication: http://www.nightwindpublishing.com
Original, unpublished short stories, any length.
One story will be selected by three editors as the winner of our Halloween Short Story Contest.
Prize: Publication of winner's own short story collection, published by Water Forest Press and Night Wind Publishing. Winner will receive 10 books (perfect bound soft cover up to 200 pages and cover art) including ISBN and LOC numbers, a professional book release and review, listing and promotion online Water Forest Press, Night Wind Publishing and Skyline Publications websites.
Optional: If you would like your entry to be published online, we'd be happy to do so on
Night Wind Publishing website where it will be archived for everyone to enjoy.
Otherwise, we'll simply hold it until judging.
There is also the possibility of future publication in an encore edition of
SpinningS. . . intense tales of life anthology
Submit as many stories as you would like but each story must be accompanied by a $10.00 entry fee payable on Paypal or by check. Paypal charge will be listed as:
Skyline Short Story Contest 2011
After you've made your payment, Submit your Story to: nightwindstorycontest@gmail.com" style=""> nightwindstorycontest@gmail.com
For check payment instructions or general information, email nightwindstorycontest@gmail.com"> nightwindstorycontest@gmail.com
Thank you and good luck !!!