PUB: Hidden River Fiction and Drama Contest

 GUIDELINES FOR 2011 FICTION AND DRAMA COMPETITION &nbsp;&nbsp;       Hidden River Arts Awards 2011
 Update:&nbsp; The reading cycle for the 2011 Awards has now begun.&nbsp;&nbsp; Deadline for submissions is June 30, 2011 both by postmark and by time-stamp for online submissions.&nbsp; Announcement of the 2011 Winners will be made by December 30, 2011.&nbsp;   An annual prize of $1,000 and publication in The Hidden River Review, published by Hidden River Arts, a literary arts organization in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania will be given in the following categories: (1) to the best unpublished short story or novel excerpt (2) the best unproduced full-length play 
The William Van Wert Memorial Fiction Award 
Eligible: Any previously unpublished short story or novel excerpt of 25 pages or less. 
The Hidden River Arts Playwrighting Award 
Eligible: Any previously unpublished and unproduced full-length play. 
  1. All manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, with a 10 to 12 point font. The author's name should not appear anywhere on the manuscript. A cover page should accompany the manuscript which includes the author's name, address, telephone number, email address and manuscript title. 
 2. Each submission should include a resume, a brief bio of the author and a completed application form. All novel excerpts must contain a synopsis of the entire novel; plays should also include a well-written synopsis and a character list. Those without a synopsis or character list will not be considered under any circumstances!
 3. DEADLINE: Manuscripts will be accepted beginning February 1, 2011. Submissions should be postmarked or time-stamped no later than June 30, 2011.
  4. All manuscripts must be accompanied by a $15.00 entry fee. Checks and money orders should be made out to "Hidden River Arts". We also accept PayPal for the $15.00 submission (international submissions to PayPal must be $17.00 because of the additional fees they extract.) Be sure, if paying by PayPal that you include your proof of payment and confirmation numbers with your submissions.&nbsp; Multiple submissions are permitted (in either the same or differing categories); but each must be sent separately and include a separate entry fee.
 5. Simultaneous submissions are permitted. If accepted elsewhere, please withdraw the manuscript from submission to our competition. No money will be refunded.  
6. All entries will be judged by the editors and staff of Hidden River Arts. All decisions of the Hidden River staff is final. 
 7.The prize winning manuscripts will be published in&nbsp; The Hidden River Review.
 8. Winners will be notified by December 30, 2011. Contest results will be posted on our website. 
 	.	9.We are trying to go green with our submission process.&nbsp; To that end, we would encourage everyone to submit your entry materials online, using the PayPal option for the entry fee.&nbsp; (Our paypal account is <a Be sure that you include ALL required materials and proof of payment.&nbsp; We will NOT contact writers who have not included all materials; the submission will be disqualified.&nbsp; If absolutely necessary, your entry can be mailed,&nbsp; must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2011, marked clearly to the attention of either "Fiction" or "Drama" awards and mailed to: 
Hidden River Awards
Post Office Box 421 Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 19004

Do NOT overtape your submissions! If you have questions, please write to: No manuscripts will be returned. Hidden River reserves the right to decide NOT to award a prize on any given year, based on the discretion of the judges.&nbsp; 
 Application Form
1. Name:_____________________________________________________

 2. Address:____________________________________________________ 

3. Telephone:___________________________________________________ 

4. Email:________________________________________________________

 5. Date of Birth:__________________________________________________

 6. Name of manuscript submitted:____________________________________ 

7. Please provide a brief bio of no more than 100 words:

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PAYPAL Option:  We now accept PayPal  for the Submission Fee.  If you pay through PayPal, please be sure to include a copy of your PayPal receipt in your mailed submission packet, OR a confirmation number in your email submission packet.