The Obsidian Prize for Poetry
Through a literary prize, High Desert Journal aims to explore the realm described by poet Jarold Ramsey: "I believe in an ecology of story, memory and imagination as much as an ecology of land." As an organization focused on a specific place, we at High Desert Journal have discovered that a deep hunger of readers, writers, and artists exists for place-based arts and literature. We believe every place has an ecology of story, memory, and imagination that inspires us, connects us to one another and to a place. We want to offer the best of this "ecology" through the Obsidian Prize.
- 2011 Obsidian Prize for Poetry
- Judged by Oregon Poet Laureate, Paulann Petersen
- $1,000 prize and publication in the High Desert Journal
- up to 3 poems. 100 line max.
- $12 entry fee
- Deadline: August 15, 2011
- only unpublished poetry accepted
- For writers working in or inspired by the West, Big Sky or big city. Send us your best work.
- Submissions are only accepted via SubmishMash.
- Click here to submit.