Call for Submissions:
I Had A Praying Grandmother
I Had A Praying Grandmother seeks African-American writersʼ work exploring the theme of religious and spiritual grandmothers who prayed for their grandchildren and served as major influences in their lives. Did your grandmother maintain her prayer vigil over your life despite your troubles or shortcomings? What life lessons did your grandmother instill in you that continue to guide you today? Did a grandmother continue praying for you when your parents were unwilling or unable to raise you? How did a praying grandmother change your life? Did your grandmother take you to church? How did your grandmotherʼs faith and life influence you? What kind of woman is/was your grandmother? Do certain hymns or scripture remind you of your grandmother? If so, why?
Submission Guidelines:
1. The submission deadline is August 31, 2011.
2. No previously published work or simultaneous submissions, please.
3. Send your submissions via an email to with the subject line “Submission for Praying Grandmother anthology from <your name>” and an attached file in .doc or .rtf format including:
* Your name & contact information
* A brief author bio
* 3 – 5 poems, 10 pages maximum, single-spaced in at least 12 pt. font OR submit 1 essay of no more than 8,000 words.
4. Any submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.
5. Payment for publication: 2 copies of the completed anthology in which your work appears
Send your best work!