PUB: Indiana Review


IR's 2011 1/2 K Prize Guidelines
$1000 Honorarium and Publication
Final Judge: Ander Monson

Ander Monson is the author of a host of paraphernalia including a decoder wheel, several chapbooks and limited edition letterpress collaborations, a website, and five books, most recently The Available World (poetry, Sarabande, 2010) and Vanishing Point: Not a Memoir (nonfiction, Graywolf, 2010). He lives and teaches in Tucson, Arizona, where he edits the magazine DIAGRAM and the New Michigan Press.

Reading Fee: $15
Includes a one-year subscription

  • All entries considered for publication.
  • Send no more than three pieces per entry, 500 word maximum per piece. Must be non-lineated prose. (That's 3 short-shorts max per entry fee.)
  • All entries considered anonymously.
  • Previously published works and works forthcoming elsewhere cannot be considered. Simultaneous submissions is okay, but the fee is non-refundable.
  • Multiple entries okay, as long as a separate reading fee is included with each entry.
  • Entrant's name must not appear on the poems.
  • Manuscripts will not be returned.

Entrant’s name should appear ONLY on the entry form. If desired, include self-addressed stamped envelope for notification. Each fee entitles entrant to a one-year subscription, an extension of a current subscription, or a gift subscription. Please indicate your choice and enclose complete address information for subscriptions. International addresses, please add $12 for postage ($7 for addresses in Canada).

IR cannot consider work from anyone currently or recently affiliated with Indiana University. In addition, IR cannot consider work from anyone who is a current or former student of the prize judge. We also will not consider work from anyone who is a personal friend of the judge.

If submitting by post:

  • Please click here for our official entry form
  • We prefer you to pay online. Payment instructions are available here. With your entry, include a print out of the receipt that is e-mailed to you as confirmation of payment.
  • If you are unable to pay online please contact us.

Send entries to:
‘1/2 K’ Prize Indiana Review
Ballantine Hall 465
1020 E. Kirkwood Ave.
Bloomington, IN

If submitting electronically:

Please click here for our submission manager. Be sure to select the genre "1/2 K Prize 2011" and to include your payment confirmation code in the comments box.

Electronic submissions will close on June 1, 2011 at 5 pm EST.

Electronic Payment instructions:

  • Go to this website.
  • Enter in the transaction amount ($15 for American contestants, $27 for international contestants, $22 for Canadian contestants).
  • In the description box, type the name of the contest ( IR Fiction Prize, IR Poetry Prize, or IR 1/2 K Prize)
  • Enter your credit card number, the expiration date, and the CVC number (the CVC number is a numerical code found on the back of your card, more detail can be found here).
  • Enter your name, e-mail address, and billing information.
  • Under comments write in the title of the piece(s) you’re entering in the contest.
  • Click “Pay Now”

Please note that, while we attempt to contact entrants whose submissions are not in accord with our guidelines, this is a courtesy. It is ultimately and solely the responsibility of entrants to ensure they have followed the guidelines. Submissions that do not follow guidelines may not be considered.