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“Supernatural”-meets-Lovecraft Contest

Paula R. Stiles April 15th, 2011 No Comments

We’ve heard a rumour or two that CW show Supernatural is going Lovecraft this year. Since we’re a Lovecraft zine and we review Supernatural, we just couldn’t let that one go. So, we’re having ourselves a contest here at Innsmouth Free Press to commemorate that happy conjunction.

What you could win

Grand Prize: Two tickets to the Lovecraft Film Festival Festival in San Pedro, California (no travel, just the tickets) this September. Free print copies of our anthologies released this year: Historical Lovecraft, A Candle in the Attic Window and Future Lovecraft. Plus, a mug with the Innsmouth Free Press logo.

First prize: Free print copies of our anthologies released this year: Historical Lovecraft, A Candle in the Attic Window and Future Lovecraft. Plus, a magnet with the Innsmouth Free Press logo.

Second Prize: Free ebook copies of said anthologies. Plus, a magnet with the Innsmouth Free Press logo.

What you have to do to win

1. Buy one copy each of our micropress’ first published novel Fraterfamilias and our first anthology Historical Lovecraft. Can’t afford print? No problem. We’ve got both out as ebooks at a very nice price ($3.99!). Can’t stand ebooks? Well…they’re also out in print. The easiest way you can let us know you bought them is to do it directly from our site.

2. Send us an email at innsmouthfp(at)gmail(dot)com. Tell us how/where you bought the above books. Then write at least one paragraph telling us at least five examples of similarities between the show Supernatural and these two books. At least two examples need to come from each book and you can only take one each per story in Historical Lovecraft (except “If Only to Taste Her Again” or “Ahuizotl”, which don’t count). On the Supernatural side, you can choose only one example per episode and no more than two per season (because we want you read our stuff and watch the show). Be fun. Be creative. Be persuasive. There’s plenty of material for comparison.

Deadline: Monday, May 23 (so you can watch the two-hour season finale of the show, too). Winners to be announced on Friday, May 27.

You can watch Supernatural on Friday nights at nine from today until May 20 (except for the week of May 13).  The two-hour finale on May 20 will start at eight. You can find our reviews of Supernatural – past, present and future – here.