PUB: Instigatorzine


Short Story
Deadline: August 25, 2010
Words: 1,000-3,500
Theme: Halloween
Entry Fee: $10 per entry
Grand Prize: $100 American Express Gift Card
Second place prize: $50 American Express Gift Card
Third place prize: $25 American Express Gift Card
First, second and third place winners will have their pieces presented in the October issue of Instigatorzine.

We are looking for Halloween stories. This includes horror, thriller, suspense, and Halloween related stories. No limitations on content!

*Contests each require at least 20 participants. If the number of participants does not reach 20, all payments will be refunded. Authors may submit up to two pieces for each contest. Works submitted without making payment will not be considered for contest.
Step 1: Click Buy Now button.
Step 2: E-mail submission to with subject: Your name: Prose (or Poetry): Title of Piece
Deadline: August 25, 2010
Theme: Halloween
Entry Fee: $10 per entry
Grand Prize: $100 American Express Gift Card
Second place prize: $50 American Express Gift Card
Third place prize: $25 American Express Gift Card
First, second and third place winners will have their pieces presented in the October issue of Instigatorzine.

We are looking for Halloween poems. This includes horror, thriller, suspense, and Halloween related poetry. No limitations on content!