PUB: International Poetry Contest

X International Poetry competition

AWARDS sponsored by ALESSI

closing 15th May 2010


Three Categories: Silver Wyvern (max.60 lines), Formal Verse (max 40 lines), Short poems (max. 10 lines)

Suggested (but not obligatory) theme for all categories: "Mediterranean"


James Harpur (Silver Wyvern), Carole Baldock (Short), Kevin Bailey (Formal)

The adjudicators will read all the entries


Prizes - to be awarded at the Celebration 1-3  October 2010


Silver Wyvern + €500;    €100 each x 3 runners-up

Formal Verse   : €100            Short Poems    :  €100 

and Alessi designer bowl to all winners present at awards.  

New 2010:

First prizewinners in each category will also receive a year's subscription to ORBIS ,

offered by Carole Baldock, editor of Orbis and Kudos

and their winning poems be published therein.  


POETRY ON THE LAKE X International Poetry Competition Guidelines


Closing Date: 15th MAY 2010.



Silver Wyvern :, max. 60 lines

Formal verse: max. 40 lines.

Short poems: max. 10 lines

suggested (not obligatory) theme all categories ‘Mediterranean', Interpret as wishe  



UK: £8 first poem, 2nd & 3rd £6; then £5 per poem. 

Euro: €20 for 2 poems ; then €10 per poem


We accept: UK cheques or postal orders payable to G.Griffin-Hall and CROSSED. Italian cheques payable as above, marked Non trasferibile. Or euro notes (see below).

USA & Rest of World

US & CA dollars: count fees in dollars as for euro. Send notes only, safer wrapped in metallic foil.


No entry form required. Send 2 copies of each poem (poems should be unpublished and not  have been awarded a prize previously), mark category top right; one copy anonymous, other  with contact details, email address.



are accepted from outside Europe and may be paid through PAYPAL. There is an additional charge of ten euro for your entry. Preferably send as Word (doc but not docx) attachments, with cover details of name, address etc.

To pay through Paypal, calculate competition fees in euros according to number of poems entered, add ten euro, then email poetryonthelake(at) We will ask Paypal to send you a request form for this sum.


The same poem may be entered in two or more categories but will count  each time as a separate entry. An entrant may win two or three prizes if poems have been entered in different categories but only one prize in each category. Results will be published on site, winners contacted. Poems will not be returned.


At the adjudicators' discretion, a prize may not be awarded if there is no poem of required standard.


Possible publication with Italian translation facing for selected poems (we try to contact all authors first for permission and proof correction, although entry to the competition implies automatic permission to publish). Copyright remains with the author. 


Entering the competition implies acceptance of the rules.


Results July. Autumn awards with winners/commended reading at Lake Orta 1-3 October 2010. 


SEND TO: Poetry on the Lake, Isola San Giulio, 28016 Orta NO, Italy. 

n.b. please use correct postage for Italy and seal envelopes securely.

Enquiries- contact: email: poetryonthelake(at)       tel. mobile (+39)  347 8464227