PUB: James Hearst Poetry Prize | North American Review

James Hearst Poetry Prize


Entry Guidelines for the 2012 James Hearst Poetry Prize

  • First Prize $1000
  • Second $100
  • Third $50



All winners and finalists will be published in the Spring 2012 issue. 

Deadline: October 31, 2011

Entry fee: $20.00

All entry fees include a one-year subscription. This year, all submissions to the James Hearst Poetry Prize will be handled online through our online submission system. (Click here to access the submission system)

If you have problems with the online submission system or are unable to upload your submission, please call us at (319) 273-3026 for other entry options.

Rules: You may enter up to five poems in one file. No names on manuscripts. please. Your poems will be "read blind." Simultaneous submission to other journals or competitions is not allowed.

If you wish to receive the list of winners, please state this in your cover letter and be sure to supply an email address. Winners will also be announced in the writers' trade magazines and on this website.

Tips: We have noticed that long poems rarely do well -- too much can go wrong in a large space. Poems that have reached the finalist stage in our competition in the past are typically one to two pages (often much shorter). Winning poems always balance interesting subject matter and consummate poetic craft. We value both free verse and formal poems in rhyme and meter -- both open and closed forms.

Questions? • 319 273-6455 • FAX 319-273-4326