PUB: Janet McCabe Poetry Contest

Janet McCabe Poetry Prize PDF Print E-mail

The finalist judge for this year's contest is Vito Aiuto, poet, pastor, and musician from the band The Welcome Wagon.  We invite you to enter your work now! Please read the following submission guidelines carefully and let us know if you have any questions. 


-The submission deadline for the prize is midnight May 15th, 2010.
-The entry fee is $15 (includes a free copy of the Fall 2010 Issue).
-You may submit up to three poems per entry, no longer than 40 lines each.
-$800 will be awarded to the winner and publication in the Fall 2010 Issue will be awarded to the winning poem and runner-up poem.     
-All entries will be read by a blind panel of readers, who will select twenty poems as finalists.
-The final judge will be reviewing the finalist poems and selecting the winner and runner-up. Close friends and students (current & former) of the judge are not eligible to compete, nor are friends or family of the RUMINATE staff.
-All submissions must be submitted via our online submission form below. We will not accept mail or email submissions.
-You may pay online below or mail your payment.
-Winner will be announced in the Fall Issue, September 2010.
-Please remove your name, bio, and any contact info from the file that you submit.


Submission is a two step process:

1. You must first pay the submission fee by selecting the "Pay Now" button below. A new window will open at the Paypal website where you can either pay by credit card (you do not need a Paypal account to do this) or with your Paypal account if you have one. 



Poetry Prize Entry Fee

 ($15 per entry)




  Poetry Prize Entry Fee
and 1 Year Subscription

(Save $10 off the regular
subscription price with this
special offer)  



2. After paying the submisison fee you can fill out the submission form and upload your poetry by selecting the link below.

Submission Form  


*You may also pay by mail. Upload your work using the above submissionform and then mail a check made payable to RUMINATE MAGAZINE, attention Poetry Prize at 140 N. Roosevelt Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521. Along with your entry fee, please let us know the title of the piece you have submitted and make sure your entry fee is postmarked by May 15th, 2010.


Please Note: RUMINATE adheres to the following Contest Code ofEthics, as adopted by the Council of Literary Presses and Magazines, ofwhich RUMINATE is a proud member: "CLMP'scommunity of independent literary publishers believes that ethicalcontests serve our shared goal: to connect writers and readers bypublishing exceptional writing. We believe that intent to actethically, clarity of guidelines, and transparency of process form thefoundation of an ethical contest. To that end, we agree to 1) conductour contests as ethically as possible and to address any unethicalbehavior on the part of our readers, judges, or editors; 2) to provideclear and specific contest guidelines -- defining conflict of interestfor all parties involved; and 3) to make the mechanics of our selectionprocess available to the public. This Code recognizes that differentcontest models produce different results, but that each model can berun ethically. We have adopted this Code to reinforce our integrity anddedication as a publishing community and to ensure that our contestscontribute to a vibrant literary heritage."