John Steinbeck Award
Sponsored by Reed Magazine, Center for Steinbeck Studies, San Jose State University and the National Steinbeck Center.
Reed Magazine announces The John Steinbeck Award. Writers may submit original, unpublished stories up to 6,000 words. The winner will be selected by the 2011 judge, James Kelman, and will receive a $1,000 cash prize. The winning story will appear in Reed Magazine, and an excerpt may be published in the Salinas-based newspaper, The Californian. Runner-ups will also be considered for publication.
All entrants will receive a complimentary copy of Reed Magazine.
All submissions must abide by the following competition rules and guidelines:
1. Submit through the online system.
2. All submissions must be submitted by November 1.
3. Submit in a common file format: *.doc and *.txt preferable. Please do not submit in the *.docx file format.
4. A reading fee of $15 is required for each submission. These can be paid online with Paypal (from the bottom button, the store, or the submission system) or by check at the following address:
Reed Magazine
SJSU English Department
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-00905. Writers may submit multiple entries, but each must be submitted separately and accompanied by a separate entry fee.
6. The finalists, as determined by Reed's fiction editors, will be sent to the judge.
7. Employees and board members of the National Steinbeck Center, REED Magazine, or the Center for Steinbeck Studies are not eligible to participate in the competition.
If you have any questions please contact us at: reed@email.sjsu.edu