PUB: Kweli Journal

Call for Submissions

"A journal named for 'truth' in Swahili invites its readers and contributors to seek for the same."  Nelly Rosario

Several journals exist in the virtual marketplace.  But few fully embrace the new voices and visions of writers of color.  Fewer still offer a permanent home for our short stories, poetry and essays.  Kweli Journal hopes to change that paradigm.

Our premiere issue featured the poetry of Patricia Spears Jones, the prose of Nelly Rosario and a photo essay by Thomas Sayers Ellis.

We are now calling for submissions to our Fall/Winter 2011 issue.  

It will feature the prose of Jennine Capó Crucet (PEN/O. Henry Prize winner for How to Leave Hialeah) and the poetry of Amaud Johnson(winner of Dorset Prize for Red Summer).    

Add your voice.  Share your visions.  Join us. 


Our next reading period:  July 16, 2011 to September 16, 2011

Please read what we have already published, and then submit your own work.  

Fiction:  We primarily look for short stories, but novel excerpts are acceptable if self-contained.  Prose should be double-spaced on one side.

Nonfiction:  We primarily look for personal essays, but memoir excerpts are acceptable if self-contained.  Prose should be double-spaced on one side.   

Poetry:  Send up to three poems at a time.  Single-space, please; set your poem as you want it to appear on the printed page.

Photography:  For the time being, we will not be accepting unsolicited visual art work.  


Submit one prose piece and up to three poems at a time. 

Kweli does not accept previously published work.  

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable as long as they are indicated as such.  Authors must immediately notify the editors if said work has been selected for publication in another periodical, either in print or online.  Contact

Payment is after publication.  

All published work will be archived online.  

Thank you.