PUB: Leaf Books - Memoir Competition

Closes November 30 2011

Memoir 2011 Competition - Closes October 31 2011

In past years our memoir competitions have yielded some fantastic pieces and we look forward to reading them again this year. Send us extract from your own life in 1,000 words or fewer that you think will grab our attention. It can be anything from an amusing anecdote, a terrible job experience or an enduring memory of a moment. As long as it stands alone as a narrative we’d like to see it.

Prizes: £100 prize for the overall winner, along with a copy of Writing your Self by Myra Schneider and John Killock, Write your Life Story by Michael Oke, and Write From Life. The winner, and selected runners-up will be published in the Leaf Writers’ Magazine and an anthology. All entrants published in the magazine will receive a free e-copy.

Enter by post: you can download an entry form (word document) here

or just send your details and a cheque. click here for postal address


Enter online: pay via paypal (they take credit cards if you don't have a paypal account). The button will take you to paypal and then you just email us the writing. Please send your work as an attachment to


For a single entry (£4.00):" type="hidden" />" type="hidden" />


For 3 entries (£10):" type="hidden" />" type="hidden" />