Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Prize
CONTEST Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Prize Beginning DateTime 1st October 2011 Saturday (Allday Event) DEADLINE 1st October 2011 Saturday ENTRY FEE $ 20 PRIZE $ 1,000 - Publication
• The Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Series Book Competition is open to all American writers, regardless of previous publication. Translations are not accepted.• Submit one copy of a complete poetry book manuscript of at least 48 pages. The manuscript must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2011. Send to:
Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Prize
Pleiades Press
Department of English, Martin 336
University of Central Missouri
Warrensburg, MO 64093• With each manuscript, include two cover sheets: one with the title of the manuscript, your name, telephone number, and address; the other with only the title of the manuscript.
• Poems previously published in journals, chapbooks, or anthologies are acceptable. If poems in the manuscript have been previously published, enclose an acknowledgements page.
• With each entry, include a check or money order made out to Pleiades Press for $20. Reading fees will be used only for book production, advertising, and other costs of running the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Series. Pleiades Press and the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Series are non-profit organizations staffed by faculty members at University of Central Missouri and Winthrop University and volunteer readers.
• Each entry should be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). If the entry arrives with an additional large, self-addressed envelope with $1.68 postage affixed, the entrant will receive a copy of the winning book when it appears.
• The initial screening will be directed by Susan Ludvigson, Wayne Miller, Kathryn Nuernberger, Kevin Prufer, and Joy Katz. The initial screeners will choose ten or more finalist manuscripts, which will be forwarded to a well-known judge for selection of the winning collection. The judge for 2011-12 will be Melissa Kwasny .
• No screener may previously know or have published any poet whose work (s)he considers for the contest. As such, no one who has published work in Pleiades: A Journal of New Writing within the last five years will have his/her manuscript screened by any poetry editor of the journal. Manuscripts submitted by such contributors to the journal will, instead, be sent to screeners at another location. We respectfully request that former students or colleagues of the LMWT judge—as well as any poet whose relationship with the judge constitutes an unfair conflict of interest—refrain from entering the contest. All finalists will be asked to confirm that they have no conflict of interest with the judge. The LMWT staff reserves the right to disqualify entries deemed conflicts of interest and will return those entry fees.
• The final judge will not be sent the names of the finalists. Only their manuscripts, without identifying information, will be forwarded.
• The winning writer will receive $1000 and the winning collection will be published in paperback by Pleiades Press and distributed by Louisiana State University Press. In addition, the winning writer will be invited to read at the University of Central Missouri.
• Questions about the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Series can be directed to Wayne Miller.