Writing contests for writing people
Latin Heritage Foundation announces a Literary Contest aiming to promote new authors.
1. The prize consists in publishing the work in a book that will be sold in Canada, United States, France, England, Germany and Japan. Some of the sellers will be Barnes and Noble and Amazon.
2. Categories featured: Poetry; Short Story; Historical; Romance; Mystery/Thriller; Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror; Young Adult; Nonfiction/Memoir; Adult Short Topics (Article, Essay, Short Memoir), Mainstream
3. Entry is free. There are not any expenses involved. Maximum entry length: 10, 000 words. All entries must be original. For each entry include author’s picture and author’s information (200 words as maximum) since a page of the book will be dedicated for each author; and a cover page including the following: information: Name; Address; Phone Number; E-Mail address; Title of Entry; Date of Birth (for Young Writers, only.); Category ( Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry).Just one entry by genre is allowed.
4. Send your work by email as attachment or on the body of the message to:LiteraryAgent@latinhf.com
5. Writers under 18 years old must attach a notarized permission signed by parents or guardians.
6. We will accept most genres, except pornography or anything racial or biased toward any religious or moral preference.
7. Entries must be postmarked no later than – June 30, 2011.
8. Finalists' entries will be read and judged by an editor to determine the top 30 publishable works in each category.
9. The authors selected for publication will be notified by July 31, 2011.
10. The books published by categories with the selected works will be available to the general public by end of August 2011.
Note: For some of our featured books, enter in http://www.barnesandnoble.com/ and http://www.amazon.com/ the keywords “Latin Heritage Foundation”
Publisher, Latin Heritage Foundation