PUB: Lois Cranston Memorial Poetry Contest - Calyx Publishing Journal and Books

2010 Lois Cranston Memorial Poetry Prize


Contest Guidelines

Final Judge: Frances P. Adler

Submission dates: March 1, 2010-May 31, 2010(postmarked)

Prize: Winner will receive $300 cash award and publication in CALYX Journal (Vol. 24:2, Winter 2011). The winner and all finalists will receive a one-volume subscription, and all their poems will be published on CALYX’s website (

Details: Each entry can include up to three (3) unpublished poems, no more than six (6) manuscript pages total. Do not put your name on the same page as a poem; all entries are read blind. Include a separate cover letter with name, address, phone, email, and titles of poem/s. No manuscripts will be returned. Please send unpublished work and please do not send simultaneous submissions. The Journal Editorial Collective reads manuscripts first, then selects 15-20 to send to the final judge. Judge’s decisions are final.

Reading Fee: $15 per entry, all checks in U.S. currency on a U.S. bank, checks payable to CALYX.

Notification: Contest winner and finalists will be notified by October 30, 2010, and announced on CALYX’s website, All entrants will receive prize results, and U.S. entrants will receive an issue of CALYX Journal in October 2010.

Final Judge: Frances P. Adler is the author of five books: two poetry collections, Making of a Matriot (Red Hen Press, 2003), and Raising The Tents (Calyx Books, 1993), and three collaborative poetry-photography books. She is also the co-editor of Fire and Ink: An Anthology of Social Action Writing (University of Arizona Press, Fall 2009). Adler's poems and prose are published in Poetry International, CALYX Journal , Counterpunch, Bridges, Ms. Magazine, The Progressive, and The Congressional Record, among others. Her awards include a California State Senate Award for Artistic and Social Collaboration, an NEA Regional Award, and the Obama New Millennium Award. Adler is a professor of creative writing at California State University Monterey Bay, and founder of their Creative Writing and Social Action Program.

Send submission to:                     


Lois Cranston Poetry Prize

PO Box B

Corvallis, OR 97339