PUB: Magazine Submissions « Monkey Puzzle Press

Monkey Puzzle #11

Magazine Submissions

The Savage Consortium is seeking the confession you are finally ready to purge. We want your raw body and naked imagination. We want your emotional, intelligent, visceral, and psychological confession that derives from the sexual.

Above all, we want your most intimate experiences written and represented as they truly are: Pure, Intense, and Without Restraint. Your submission/s should endeavor to push every conventional facet of language and thematic structure. This includes innovative content, syntax, margins, white space, plot structure, etc. (Do not rely on obscenity alone.) If nothing is at stake in your submission/s, if there is no risk, do not submit. Nothing safe will be published in The Savage Consortium.


Submission Guidelines


  1. 1,000-3,000 words (applies as a collective number if submitting more than one piece of work).

  2. Double-spaced

  3. Numbered pages

  4. Font = Times New Roman, 12pt.

  5. Electronic submissions should be sent to:
    (include “The Savage Consortium” in subject line of email)

  6. Hardcopy submissions not accepted.


  1. 3-5 poems, each starting on its own page

  2. Numbered pages

  3. Contact information on each poem (ie. poet’s name, mailing address, email address, and phone number)

  4. Electronic submissions should be sent to:
    (include “The Savage Consortium” in subject line of email)

  5. Hardcopy submissions not accepted.

(Click here for a PDF flyer)


November 15, 2012

Upon publication, all contributors will receive a complimentary issue.



First Prize: $300.00 plus publication

Second Prize: $150.00 plus publication

Third Prize: $50.00 plus publication

10$ entry fee


Submit one story per entry, 1000 words or less.

We won’t be judging stories based on any particular content or context, just send your best piece of flash fiction! Please keep in mind that we do appreciate work exhibiting socio-political-cultural awareness and humor. To get an idea for the kind of work we like, check out our Magazine page for free downloads of past issues of Monkey Puzzle.

All submissions must include the writer’s contact information on the first page: name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. Include a SASE if you would like a reply via USPS.

To submit via e-mail:

1. Send your submission to: (put “Flash Fiction Contest” in the subject line)

2. Pay entry fee via PayPal

To submit via snail-mail:

1. Mail your submission and entry fee (check or money order payable to Monkey Puzzle Press) to:

Monkey Puzzle Press
PO Box 20804
Boulder, CO   80308
Attn: Flash Fiction Contest

Winners will be published in our next literary journal project:


All entries will be considered for publication.

Contest Judge: Nicholas B. Morris, author of Tapeworm

(Click here for a PDF flyer)


November 15, 2012 (postmarked)