PUB: Manuscripts on Women of Color Feminisms Sought: NWSA First Book Manuscript Competition 2012 > Writers Afrika

Manuscripts on

Women of Color Feminisms

Sought: NWSA First Book

Manuscript Competition 2012

Deadline: 1 June 2012

(Note: Possible topics may include but are not limited to Gender and queer sexuality, Gendered experiences of people of color, Transgender studies, and Women of color feminisms.)

The National Women's Studies Association and the University of Illinois Press are pleased to announce a competition for the best dissertation or first book manuscript by a single author in the field of women's and gender studies. Applicants must be National Women's Studies Association members.

If a winner of the competition is selected, he or she will receive a publication contract with the University of Illinois Press. Runners up may also be considered for publication with the University of Illinois Press. Submitted dissertations must have been completed and defended after June 1, 2008. All submissions must be postmarked by June 1, 2012, and should include the following materials:

  • Cover letter

  • C.V.

  • Proposal, including a 4-5 page overview of the scope of the project and analysis of competing titles

  • Complete unbound manuscript, at least 150 double spaced pages, 12 pt. Times New Roman font

Please mention the competition in your cover letter, and also indicate if any material from the manuscript has been previously published. The winner will be announced at NWSA's annual conference.

All submissions must be exclusive submissions to the University of Illinois Press for the duration of the contest, and finalists will be notified by mid-August.


For inquiries/ submissions: direct all questions and submissions to Larin McLaughlin, Senior Acquisitions Editor, University of Illinois Press at
