March Short Story Challenge
The Assignment:
This month's challenge is to write a creative short story or essay on the theme "Baggage Claim". Similar to the prior challenges, what that means is completely up to you. Travel, self-reflection, relationships or personal realizations — there are a lot of interpretations. Surprise us! Bonus points for creative application of the theme, so don't be afraid to look beyond the obvious.
How short or long you make your story is also up to you, but we recommend anywhere from 250-1000 words. Submissions can be in the form of a short story or an essay. Above all, be creative and have fun with it!
Entries begin now and will be accepted through March 31st, 2011.
Limit: four entries per person.
Winners will be announced on April 4th, 2011.
First, second and third place prizes will be awarded by our editorial team, based on overall creativity, quality and artistic merit.
First Place: US$500
Second Place: US$300
Third Place: US$200
All winners will also receive an award print piece based on this month's entries and theme, designed by Convozine's Maurice Woods. Check out one of the past examples here:
[Note - We're skipping the Peoples' Choice award this month.]
How to enter:
1. Sign up for an account:
Click here to sign up using your existing Twitter account
Here to create a new account.
1.Click the "Words/images" button at the top of the page to get started creating a story.
Start a new convo for your entry
2. Title and write your entry.
3. Submit the URL for your entry to the March Challenge section here:
Click Submit To Section ...
... and paste in the URL for your Convozine article.
General instructions for submitting to sections are here:
[Tip - The URL must be for a convozine article — it will always start with something like:]
4. Visit the March Challenge section and vote for your favorite entries here:
You may give up to five awards to each entry. Everyone appreciates feedback and comments on their work. This is an open, constructive place for workshopping and encouragement.
5. Click the Facebook like button and share entries you like with your friends.
Give awards and share your submission.
You can give up to five awards in any combination of the 6 award types
Thanks for looking at this and good luck on your submission! If you have any questions, you can email us at
To see writing entries from a prior challenge: