PUB: Meyerson Contest - Southwest Review - SMU

The David Nathan Meyerson Fiction Prize

Named for the late David Nathan Meyerson (1967-1998), a therapist and talented writer who died before he was able to show to the greater world the full fruits of his literary potential, the prize consists of $1,000 and publication in SWR. With the generous support of Marlene, Marti, and Morton Meyerson, the award will continue to honor David Meyerson's memory by encouraging and taking notice of other writers of great promise.


The prize is open to writers who have not yet published a book of fiction, either a novel or collection of stories.

Submissions must be no longer than 8,000 words.

A $25.00 reading fee must accompany each submission.

Work should be printed without the author's name (if work is submitted online, please omit the author's name from the final "submission content text area"). Name and address should appear only on the cover letter or at the top of the online form.

Submissions will not be returned. For list of winners, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

No simultaneous or previously published work.

Postmarked deadline for entry is May 1, 2011. (Winner will be announced in August.)

The winning story will appear in Southwest Review Vol. 96, No. 4 (autumn), 2011.

All entries will be considered for publication.

Mailed entries should be addressed to:

The Meyerson Fiction Prize
Southwest Review
P.O. Box 750374
Dallas, TX 75275-0374

You may enter the Meyerson Prize online by following the directions below.

click here to pay your Meyerson entry fee with a VISA, MasterCard, or Discover card. Fiction Contest Entry"> click here to submit your Meyerson entry by email.

NOTE: Your entry is not complete until you have completed both of the above steps.

To submit your work for regular publication, click here.


For information about the 2010 Meyerson winner and finalists, click here.

For information about the 2009 Meyerson winner and finalists,

click here.


Southern Methodist University
PO Box 750374 . Dallas TX 75275-0374
214-768-1037 .  Fax 214-768-1408
