The 2011 Fineline Competition for Prose Poems, Short Shorts and Anything in Between
Judge: Peter Conners
Director of BOA Editions and author of Of Whiskey and Winter and Emily Ate the Wind.
First Prize: $1,000 and publication in MAR Volume XXXII, Number 1.
Ten finalists: Notation and possible publicationPostmark deadline: June 1, 2011. Contest is for previously unpublished work only—if the work has appeared in print or online, in any form or part, or under any title, it is ineligible and will be disqualified. There is a 500-word limit for each poem or short. A $10 entry fee (check or money order, made out to Mid-American Review) is required for each set of three prose poems/short short stories. Entry fees are non-refundable. All participants will receive Mid-American Review v. XXXI, no. 1, where the winners will be published. Submissions will not be returned; send SASE for early results. Manuscripts need not be left anonymous. Contest is open to all writers, except those associated with the judge or Mid-American Review, past or present. Our judge's decision is final.
Note: All pieces submitted in verse form—i.e., poetry with line breaks--will be automatically disqualified, as will previously published work or pieces over 500 words.
Send all entries with check or money order to:
Mid-American Review
Department of English
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 434032010 Fineline Competition Results
Mid-American Review would like to congratulate Helen Klein Ross, winner of the 2010 Fineline Competition for Prose Poems, Short Shorts, and Everything In Between.Judge Alan Michael Parker has chosen Ross' "Parrotfish" as this year's top award recipient. Ross is a resident of New York City and was the winner of the 2001 Finelines Competition as well. She is the contest's first repeat winner. Congratulations, Helen!
Along with "Parrotfish," Ross also will see another entry, "Seahorse Husband," printed in MAR as an Editors' Choice. Other authors who were chosen as finalists and will have their work printed as Editors' Choices include:
Eric Darby
Gerry LaFemina
Michael Meyerhofer
Amy Newman
Yael Schonfeld
Diane Seuss
Eliot Khalil Wilson