Millennium Star Publishing Summer Book Contest
DEADLINE 15th August 2011 Monday
Millennium Star Publishing is happy to announce the Millennium Star Book Awards. Most of our authors are business professionals who use published articles and books as a way to enhance their current successful businesses. We assist with the process and in many instances our staff does the actual writing (ghostwrites) based on interviews and conversations. This past year, many of our newly published business authors requested that we host a book contest with the purpose to help draw attention to first time authors as well as young writers and illustrators. While the contest was born with newer authors in mind - it is open to writers around the world, both novice and seasoned.Also - please participate in our Free Peer Preview - five seasoned authors read your work and an opportunity to showcase your book on this website!
Receiving the Millennium Star Book Award does more than make you feel good. Our award tells the world that you have taken the time and made the effort to submit your work to scrutiny. Our seal on your book/s will open doors to interviews and press coverage and lend additional credibility to your writing career. In addition, we have quite an inimitable and valuable prize to offer - designed to excite, enhance and inspire your writing career.
*** Prizes ***
Grand prize: One winner will be chosen from all entries to receive the grand prize.
The grand prize winner will receive
The Superstition Mountain Muse Package
5 days and 4 nights at The Dreamweaver - Millennium House Arizona - our private Artists' & Writers' Retreat & Desert Guest House, located on 25 acres at the base of the Superstition Mountain – Tonto National Forest in Arizona . The purpose of the prize is to allow the winner several days of uninterrupted inspiration and writing time – using the Superstitions as a muse. Full of natural Sonoran desert beauty, history and mystery, the mountain backdrop provides mental refreshment and a renewed outlook for all who stay here. Please visit The Dreamweaver page for more information about the location and pictures of the property.
$500 Check!
Transportation will be provided to and from the Phoenix airport if required.
The Dreamweaver Artists' & Writers' Retreat will be stocked with simple and healthy foods such as granola, cereals, assorted juices, coffee and teas, eggs, tuna, cheese, peanut butter, bread, pasta, fresh vegetables, fruits, crackers, cookies and wine. Having a pre-stocked kitchen allows the winning writer maximum inspiration time without having to rent a vehicle, grocery shop, etc. however, the winner may choose to rent a vehicle and eat out at his or her own expense.
A sunset wine and cheese spread on “The Landing Pad” just steps away from the Tonto National Forest, surrounded by hundreds of saguaro cactus.
Use of the private “Writers' Porch” – a comfy, screened location with almost touchable views of the Superstition Mountain.Use of the “City View Front Porch”- where the bunnies, gila woodpeckers, mule deer and gambel quail come to be fed everyone morning. Panoramic views of the Valley of the Sun.
The prize may be redeemed between December 1, 2011 and May 1, 2012. If not used during this time period, the prize will become null and void.
100 award seals
One certificate of award suitable for framing
A professionally written news release sent to our industry database
One book image and short description on Millennium Star Publishing’s website for one year, with a link to your choice of media or online store.
First place: A first place winner of all categories will receiveo 3 days & 2 nights at The Dreamweaver
o 30 award seals
o A professionally written news release sent to our industry database
o One book image and short description on Millennium Star Publishing’s website for one year, with a link to your choice of media or online store.
Second place: A second place winner of all categories will receive:
o 25 award seals
o A professionally written news release for your use
o A short description of your book on the Millennium Star Publishing website for one year.
Honorable Mention: One winner will receive:
o 10 award seals
o A short description of your book on the Millennium Star Publishing website for one year
o A professionally written news release for your use
"FIRST FIFTY" BONUS! - It pays to submit your entry as soon as possible because the first 50 entrants will be considered for our "FIRST FIFTY" drawing.
The winner will receive 4 handmade pillowcases of his or her choice from our Charity Site - http://www.sewportourtroops.com - plus we will send 4 additional pillowcases to a combat support hospital with the winner's name as the donor. That's a $160 value - to thank you for getting things done!
*** Contest Rules ***
Eligibility: The Millennium Star Book Awards are open to all currently published books from any country, regardless of the copyright date. We will accept self published books. We will accept entries published in a foreign language, but they must be accompanied by a complete English translation. Entrants must provide one copy of the original that clearly shows the date and name of the publication, and one copy of the English translation. The judges are not responsible to judge the quality of the translation; they will base their decision exclusively on the English language translation.
An individual person or entity may submit an unlimited number of entries. See Entry Fees for more information.
Anyone may submit an entry on behalf of an author/artist, but the award will be presented solely to the author/artist of the entry.Contest Dates: May 15, 2011 – contest deadline August 15, 2011.
Postmarks & Deadlines: Entries for all categories must be postmarked by August 15, 2011, to qualify for the contest. Submissions postmarked after the deadline date will not be considered for an award, books will not be returned and entry fees will not be refunded.
Delivery: Regardless of the delivery method you choose, we cannot “sign” for receipt of packages. It is the entrant's responsibility to package the entry carefully, so that no damage will occur in transit. Millennium Star Publishing will not assume responsibility for items that arrive damaged or do not arrive at all. If you wish acknowledgment of receipt of your entry, please include a stamped, self-addressed postcard or envelope with your entry.
Judges and Judging: All judges are chosen by the Contest Chair and his or her Committee. Entries are reviewed and judged independently by three professional Millennium Star Publishing members and their scores are averaged by the Contest Committee to determine the winner. Our judging panel includes experts from the fields of editing, design, teaching, bookselling and library – all current and working in today’s book and magazine world. In order to retain fairness throughout this competition, the judges will remain anonymous. The Contest Chair has the right to make category changes as deemed necessary. The Contest Chair may also delete or combine categories if there are not sufficient entries. A minimum score of 85 out of 100 must be earned before a place will be awarded to the entrant, even if it is the sole entry in a category. If, in the opinion of the judges, no entry represents excellence within a category, no award will be given. Every entry will be read by the judges, whose decisions are final. Judging will be based on content, originality, design, and production quality.
Reason for Ineligibility: The entrant must comply with all rules. Deviation from the rules will result in rejection of an entry and loss of the entry fee. Entrants will be notified of disqualification in as timely a manner as possible. Entries and books will not be returned. Entry fees will not be refunded under any circumstances. Judges' decisions are final. Circumstances not specifically addressed in these rules shall be resolved by Millennium Star Publishing. No violent, sexually explicit, pornographic or other distasteful matter as deemed by our judges will be tolerated or considered and will be shredded upon receipt.
Award Notification: Award finalists shall be notified via the Millennium Star Publishing website and email on or about September 10, 2011. Prizes, seals, and award certificates will be mailed immediately following website/email notification. Grand prize travel and dates will be discussed and arranged between the grand prize winner and a representative of Millennium Star Publishing.
Profits: Profits from the entry fees go directly to the charity - SEWPORT OUR TROOPS - where we send handmade pillowcases to our military men and women overseas or to our local library to purchase new books - it's your choice. When a pillowcase is purchased for yourself, Sewport Our Troops sends an additional one in your name to a needy troop member in Afghanistan or to a wounded soldier in a combat field hospital. http://www.sewportourtroops.com
*** Submission Guidelines ***
We’ve made it easy.
Entry Fees
$50 for the first title in one category - you may pay online or by mail
$40 for each additional entry – per title/per category - you may pay online or by mail
Entrants may enter one book title in one category, one book title in multiple categories or several different book titles in one or multiple categories.Unlike other contests, you only need to send one book, even if you enter it under separate categories. If entering multiple titles, again, simply send one book per each title. This is an appreciable cost savings to you.
To reduce paper and paperwork, please print out and send one completed entry form per title. You may select multiple categories and enter them by the category number on the same entry page.
Include your total payment (check or money order) made payable to Millennium Star Publishing. Mail to: Millennium Star Publishing, 46 Chagrin Plaza #103, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022.
Credit cards are also accepted. See Entry Form below for mailing credit card info - Or Pay Online - mail books and entry form separately. See Online Payment below.
The Entry Form, with category/ies noted, must accompany each entry and must be sent to Millennium Star Publishing at the address below, along with the total entry fee at the time of entry. Any entry that is missing any element (required number of copies, entry form, entry fee) will be considered incomplete and will not be judged. If you are entering more than one book into the competition, you may mail all entries in the same envelope and write one check for the total entry fee. We will not return books after the contest. They will be donated to a local library.
All entries must be submitted either as originals or as high-quality photocopies. Be advised that the judges can judge only what they receive, and will not make allowances for editing, cropping, reproduction quality or what should have or could have been.*** Categories ***
The Millennium Star Book Awards are divided into a whopping 138 categories.
Enter as many books as you like in each of the categories below.
Enter single titles in multiple categories for greater judging exposure.
1. Young Adult Author – age 18 and under
2. First Time Author – any age
3. Fiction - Novel
4. Fiction - short stories/plays
5. Fiction - History
6. Biography
7. Mystery
8. Fantasy/Science Fiction
9. Fine Art/Performing Arts
10. Poetry
11. Autobiography
12. How-To
13. Multicultural/Cultural Diversity
14. Humor
15. Computers
16. Business/Finance/Insurance
17. Medical
18. Health/Diet/Nutrition
19. Sports & Exercise
20. Aging/Senior Issues
21. Education
22. Environment/Eco-friendly
23. Sales
24. Fashion
25. Home & Garden/Landscape
26. Interior Design/Decorating
27. Gay/Lesbian
28. Government/Military
29. Pets, Animals
30. Coffee Table Books
31. Psychology
32. Women's Concerns
33. Relationships
34. Religion/Spirituality/Philosophy
35. Motivational/Self Help/Inspirational
36. Text Books
37. Science & Technology
38. Transportation
39. Travel
40. Parenting
41. Writing/Publishing
42. Westerns
43. Romance
44. Nonfiction - History
45. Other Nonfiction
46. General Interior - a smart category choice for illustrators
47. General Cover - a smart category choice for illustrators
48. General Photography/Illustrations - a smart category choice for illustrators
49. Other General books
Children’s Books
50. Young Adult Fiction
51. Young Adult Nonfiction
52. Collection of short stories
53. Children's Chapter Books
54. Rhyming Books
55. Counting Books
56. Board Books
57. Children's Coloring/Activity Books
58. Children's Picture Books - 6 & Younger
59. Children's Picture Books - 7 & Older
60. Poetry
61. History Fiction
62. History Nonfiction
63. Biographical
64. Science Fiction
65. Fantasy
66. Autobiographical
67. Helping Our Environment Issues
68. Arts/Music
69. Death and Grieving
70. Animals in the Wild
71. Pets
72. Imaginary Friends
73. Food
74. Family Issues
75. Motivational/Spiritual/Religious/Inspirational
76. Charity/Helping those in need
77. Cultural Diversity
78. Collecting/Hobbies
79. Growing Up Challenges
80. Health/Health Challenges
81. Nutrition
82. Educational/Instructional/How-to
83. School Related Issues
84. Computers
85. Outdoor Recreation
86. Exercise/Fitness
87. Text Books
88. Sports
89. Children's Book Interior - Color- a smart category choice for illustrators
90. Children's Book Interior - Black & White - a smart category choice for illustrators
91. Children's Book Cover - a smart category choice for illustrators
92. Children's Book Photography/Illustrations - a smart category choice for illustrators
93. Other Children’s book
Food-Related94. General cookbook
95. Children's cookbook
96. Cookbook compilation
97. Ethnic cookbook
98. Regional cookbook
99. Diet cookbook
100.Appetizer cookbook
102.Chicken, turkey, duck and other fowl
103.Meats and Seafood
106.Dessert cookbook
107.Beverage recipe book
109.Coffee and tea
110.Vegetarian cooking
111.Crock pot cooking
112.Grilling/ outdoor cooking
113.Holiday cookbook
115.Entertainment/Parties cooking
116.Special diet cookbook - low salt, gluten free, etc
118.Casseroles and stews
119.Organic foods/biodynamic foods
120.Sauces, gravies
121.Nutrition and health
122.Herbs, spices, seasonings
123.Dining and food travel guide
124.Growing and producing food
125.History/Science of food
126.One specific food cookbook
127.Getting kids to eat
128.Famous chefs
129.Photo book of foods
130.Food Allergies
131.Text books about food
132.Title with the word "foodie"
133.Food and table decorating
134.Food book interior - a smart category choice for illustrators
135.Food book cover - a smart category choice for illustrators
136.Food book photography/illustrations - a smart category choice for illustrators
137.Other food related book
138. Native American - any subjecthttp://www.millenniumstarpublishing.com/
http://www.millenniumstarpublishing.c ... 0Contest%20Categories.htm
Click on the link above and go to the contest official site