Call for Submissions: Literature in RevolutionSUBMISSION DEADLINE
Mizna, a journal of Arab-American literature, is seeking original writing for our upcoming publication, with a focus on the so-called "Arab Spring." We welcome journal entries and writing from the ground, poetry, short stories, personal essays, theatrical pieces, creative non-fiction, and reflections from abroad and at home on any aspect of the theme of revolutions and uprisings, and the ensuing backlashes and military incursions.Mizna is a journal of Arab-American literature. We welcome submissions of prose, poetry, and art that reflect the diversity of our community. Contributors do not have to be of Arab descent provided their work is of relevance to the Arab-American community.
If you would like your work to be considered for publication, please send your submission and a brief biography (maximum 50 words) via e-mail as attachments (not in the body of the message) to and include the word "submission" in the subject line. The attachments should be standard word-processing files. Please include your name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number. Please do not send hard copies.
Prose should be double-spaced and limited to 2500 words. Kindly limit poetry submissions to four poems per submission. Verses exceeding our page width will be treated with a run-over indent. Proofs can be made available for author approval before publication.
Writers whose work is published in Mizna will receive a stipend and complimentary copies of the journal.
Due to the volume of submissions received, those not conforming to the above guidelines, as well as material previously published in any other English-language forum, will not be considered.
Thank you for your generosity in supporting Mizna, a Minneapolis-based Arab American cultural organization with a mission to celebrate expression and diversity in the Arab community! Mizna was formed in 1998 and has done much work to promote Arab American artistic expression since that time. We publish a nationally recognized literary journal, and have presented several well-attended community arts events as well. We do all of this work as a volunteer-run, non-profit organization that survives on grants and donations. Your donation will greatly help us to continue our important mission. Mizna is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are deductible for U.S. taxpayers. Learn more or donate now.